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C.六级考试常见词汇辨析小结 下面的一些近意词汇,在平时的练习中是要认真掌握 administer, dominate, control, rule; abolish, cancel; apt, likely; beforehand, previously, ahead; flower, bloom, blossom; clasp, grasp, grip, clutch; clothes, dress, cloth; disclose, expose; emigrate, immigrate; glare, gaze; illusion, delusion, induce, tempt; inhabit, live; intervene, interfere; mute, dump, silent, quiet, still; mutter, murmur, mumble; spy, traitor; stairs, staircase; statesman, politician D.六级考试完型填空常见固定搭配小结 abide by, accommodate to, acquaint sb with sth, adhere to, be adjacent to, be affiliated to/with, be afflicted with, be alien to, alternate with, make amends for, amplify on, be apt to, ascribe sth to sb, avert from, commit a blunder, brace oneself for, caution sb about, claim on sth, coincide with, collaborate with, collide with, be compatible with, be consistent with, consolidate sth into, con - tend with, corrode away, detach from, dwell on, embody in, enroll in, excel in/at, be exempt from, first and foremost, foul up, gamble on, glare at, grope for, hinder sb from, haul up, be immune to/from, be indicative of, marvel at, merge into, mingle with, nominate sb for, be on oath, be prone to, rejoice at/to, reliance on, revolve on ,snatch at, strive for, be susceptible to, in token of, tumble down 二、找出信号词 信号词常用来连接细节或是强调内容,并可完成段落的转换,暗示读者下文要讲的内容,标志出作者要提出一个新的思想或者观点,或者是作者要对所论述的观点举例说明,或者要详细论述同一观点。例如: To sum up,Aristotle thought that all motions resulted either from the nature of the moving object or from a sustained push or pull.(表明作者要做结论) There is never only a single force in a situation.For example, in walking across the floor,we push against the floor, and the floor in turn pushes against us.(举例说明) In other words, in an economic sense the family was analmost self—sufficient unit.(用不同的表达方法说明同一观点) 常用的主要有: A.表示递进关系 如:also,besides,further,furthermore,even,too,moreover.in addition,in particular,even more important等。 B.表示时间和顺序 如:before,now,next,first,finally,at first,at last,then


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