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摘 要这篇文章对原油的蒸馏方法及常压塔的工艺特性做了概要的说明,介绍了蒸馏技术的基本原理及其技术特点、在工业中的应用范围、在国内外的发展状况和今后的研究方向。之后以原油的物性估算数据和塔板温度校正为基础。以大庆原油为原料进行常减压蒸馏装置设计,其操作弹性好,生产灵活,在工业生产中具有较大的可行性。 设计中的第一部分是根据已知条件计算常压塔的各项工艺参数,第二部分是结构计算,根据前面所求工艺参数计算常压塔各部分结构尺寸型号,第三部分为强度校正,它是校验所设计的常压塔是否符合标准,能否投入到生产中去的关键。通过强度校核,可知常压塔的各项性能指标均符合标准,结构安排合理,达到了扩大生产、节约能源、提高产品质量与回收率、稳定生产的目的。关键词:蒸馏塔;常压塔;常压蒸馏装置 Abstract The explanation of outline to distillation method of the crude oil and craft characteristic of the atmospheric pressure tower was done in this paper. It introduces the basic principle of the distillation technology with a series of characteristics. It also describles the range of industrial application of distillation technology and developing prospect domestically as well as internationally and the future research trend are pointed out. On the basis of extimation of physical properties data and tray temperature self-tuning technology, a rigorous model is presented, the paper is designed for processing light Da Qing crude oil. It has greater flexibilities both in operation and product slates, and have greater feasibility in industrial production. The first part in the design is the calculation of craft parameter about the atmospheric pressure tower by every known condition. The second part is the structure calculation, which calculate the physical dimension and type of every part of atmospheric pressure tower according to the craft parameters calculated in the front. The third part is the examination for the internsity. It is the key that proves whether the atmospheric pressure towers designed accord with the standard and could be put into production. The following conclusiont was known by research: the targets, which every performance index accords with the standard and the structure is arranged rationally, can increase capacity, save energy, rase product quality and recovery rate, stabilize production process etc. Key words:distillation tower;atmospheric pressure tower;atmospheric distillation device 目 录  1 1.1 蒸馏方法 1 1.2 常


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