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职场大变样社区():下载毕业设计成品 全套资料,全部50元以下 基于Android的会说话的汤姆猫 的设计与实现 摘 要 随着生活节奏的加快,工作强度的增加,当今社会人们的压力越来越大,而在这个移动互联网发展飞速的时代,智能手机成了人们沟通交流,休闲娱乐的重要工具,Android手机用户在市场上占了很大的比重,手机游戏则逐渐成为人们工作之余,一个休闲放松的主要方式。会说话的汤姆猫一款基于Android宠物类应用,游戏的设计目的就是为了减轻人们的压力,使人们在百忙之中能够感受到汤姆猫带来的放松和快乐。汤姆猫通过用奇怪的声音复述用户说过的话和点击按钮触发汤姆猫不同的动作和声音,来与用户之间进行交互,与这只会说话的汤姆猫一起玩耍,享受欢乐和笑声。 会说话的汤姆猫是一款基于Android的宠物类应用游戏,采用Java语言,遵循MVC的设计模式,是一款休闲娱乐的手机App。背景汤姆是一只宠物猫,他可以在您触摸时做出反应,并且可以通过滑稽的声音完整的复述您所说的话,也可以通过软件的提示,点击不同的事件按钮,来让汤姆猫实现不同的动作,与汤姆猫进行互动,具有很强的互动性和娱乐性。 关键词:放松;汤姆猫;复述;动作;互动 Based on the Android talking Tom cat the design and implementation Abstract As life rhythm speeding up, the increase of the strength, in todays society, peoples increasing pressure, and in the mobile Internet era of rapid development, the smartphone has become the communication, the important tool of entertainment, the Android mobile phone users account for a large proportion in the market, mobile games are gradually become people outside of work, a leisure. Talking Tom cat a pet class based on the Android application, the game is designed to ease the pressure of people, make people in spite of being very busy toglance can feel relaxed and happy Tom cat. Tom cat by retelling in a strange voice said user and click on the button to trigger the Tom cat movement and the sounds of different, with interaction between the user, and the only talking Tom cat to play, enjoy the joy and laughter. Talking Tom cat is a pet class based on the Android application game, using the Java language, follow the MVC design pattern, is a recreation of mobile phone App. Background: Tom is a pet cat, he can react when you touch, and can be through the funny voice full of repeat what you said, but can be by software, click on the different events button, to let Tom cat to realize different movements, interaction with Tom cat, have very strong interactivity and entertaining. Key words: Tomcat;repeat;action; interact 目 录 1. 绪论 1 1.1课题背景 1 1.2国内外研究现状及分析 1 1.3论文各部分内容简介 2


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