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编号: 毕业论文 课 题:安徽神剑新材料股份有限公司 财务报表分析及经营改进建议 院 (系): 商 学 院 专 业: 财 务 管 理 学生姓名: 陆 盛 登 学 号: 0600510326 指导教师单位: 财务与会计系 姓 名: 连 红 奇 职 称: 讲 师 e 题目类型 () A:理论综述型 B:专题研究型 C:调查报告型 D:方案设计 () (1) 与教师立项科研课题挂钩 (2)自选课题 2010年 6月 日 Abstract The analysis of financial statements is to use and reprocess the data of financial statements .It is based on the accounting data including the balance sheet, income statement and statement of stockholders’ equity, the statement of cash flows and so on, it takes comparative analysis method, ratio analysis method ,trend analysis method, Du Pont analysis method etc. as a series of special technologies and methods to analysis the Solvency, profitability and operating capabilities of enterprise. The results of the analysis of financial statements provides understanding of business in the past, evaluate the status of companies, forecast the future of enterprise information and basis for the enterprise business decision makers, creditors, investors and the governments economic management institutions. Financial Statement Analysis is an important part of enterprise production and management activities. To analysis the financial statements of the enterprise can be better understanding the state of the business and to make correct management decisions. In this paper, the Author analysis the financial statements of Anhui Shenjian New Materials Co., Ltd. in 2007 to 2009, and to give some business improvement suggestions for it depending the results of the analysis. Key word: financial statements; Solvency; profitability; operating capabilities 目 录 引言 1 1 财务报表分析的理论综述 2 1.1 财务报表分析的定义 2 1.2 财务报表分析的目的和意义 2 1.3 财务报表分析的方法 3 1.3.1 比较分析法 3 1.3.2 比率分析法 3 1.3.3 因素分析法 3 1.3.4 趋势分析法 3 1.3.5 综合分析法 4 2 安徽神剑的财务报表分析 5 2.1 公司背景简介 5 2.2 公司偿债能力分析 5 2.2.1 公司长期偿债能力分析 5 2.2.2 公司短期偿债能力分析 7 2.3 公司盈利能力


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