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PINGDINGSHAN UNIVERSITY 毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 基于Android的解谜游戏设计与实现 院(系): 软件学院 专业年级: 软件工程 2009级 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2012年12月12日 基于Android的解谜游戏开发 摘 要 在科技文化高速发展的今天,人们对游戏的需求也日益高涨。从最初运行于掌上游戏机的“贪吃蛇”和“俄罗斯方块”到如今风靡全世界的网游无不体现了游戏的魅力。而随着智能手机终端的出现,更是为电子游戏提供了高速发展的平台。特别是iPhone智能手机和Android智能手机的面世,为掌上休闲游戏提供了更完善的开发环境。 本文基于Android系统环境,研究并开发了一款解谜类游戏,通过追踪游戏设定的线索解开谜底。通过策划、美工需求和功能需求确定了游戏的开发过程和运行流程。然后通过对关卡的设计来实现游戏的玩法,运用图形图像组件来实现游戏界面。运用Service和Intent实现游戏的控制,SharePreference和SQLite实现游戏的数据中心。最后,将游戏界面、游戏控制和数据中心整合,并通过运行和测试。该游戏是一款具有良好娱乐界面和极强趣味性的解谜游戏。 论文阐述了Android解谜游戏的开发过程。首先对手机游戏的背景意义和研究现状、android平台的特征和应用构成进行介绍,其次对游戏的策划与需求进行分析,重点介绍游戏的设计与实现,然后进行综合测试。最后对游戏进行总结,提出游戏中的缺陷、不足和对未来的展望。 关键词:Android,SQLite,解谜游戏 The Development of the Decryption Game Based on Android Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology nowadays, the demands of entertainment games are growing fast. From the first games that were the handhelds “Snake” and “Tetris” to today extremely popular online games around the world all reflects the charm of the games. With the emergence of intelligent mobile terminals, a high-speed digital game development platform is better provided. Especially when the iPhone and Android phones are available, a better development environment for the applications of handheld casual games is more convenient. Based on the Android system environment, the design studies and develops a riddle kind of game which reveals the answers by tracking clues the game sets. Through the planning, creative needs and functional requirements it defines the game development process and running process. And by setting toll-gates the design achieves how to play the game and uses graphics module to realize the game interface. Using the Service and Intent the design realizes the control for the game, and with SharePreference and SQLite it realizes the data center of th


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