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焦化炉温度控制系统设计 摘 要 延迟焦化只是在短时间内加热到焦化反应所需温度,控制原料在炉管中基本上不发生裂化反应,而延缓到专设的焦炭塔中进行裂化反应,“延迟焦化”也正是因此得名。由于延迟焦化具有投资少,操作费用低,转化深度高等优点,延迟焦化已发展成为渣油轻质化最主要的加工方法之一。。 可编程控制器是在电子技术、计算机技术等基础上发展起来的一种先进的自动控制设备,是一种数字运算操作的电子装置。它采用可以编制程序的存储器在其内部存储执行逻辑运算、顺序运算、计时、计数和算术运算等操作的指令,并能通过数字式或模拟式的输入和输出,控制各种类型的机械或生产。它具有可靠性高,抗扰能力强,编程简单,设计周期短,安装、接线、调试工作量小,使用维护方便,具有很高的灵活性、适应性及很强的信息处理能力和多功能、体积小、重量轻的优点。 本设计的控制对象为延迟焦化装置,通过控制加热炉和焦炭塔工作时间和加热温度,来对加热炉和焦炭塔工作温度加以控制。以PLC为核心,采用固态继电器控温电路,实现对延迟焦化装置的自动控制。本文将采用PID控制,阐述了PID控制器的设计,硬件结构和软件设计,实现了一套温度采集和控制的方案。该系统具有硬件成本低,控温精度较高,可靠性好,抗干扰能力强等特点。 关键词;焦化炉;延迟焦化;温度控制;PLC the Design of Coking Burner in Temperature Control Abstract Delayed coking in a short time coking reaction is heated to the required temperature, and the reaction of raw material do not occurs in the furnace tube and is delayed to the coke tower . It is also called“Delayed coking”. As the delayed coking has many advantages such as less investment, lower operation cost . Delayed coking has became the main light of the processing methods. Therefore, because of the lake of money and light oil products, especially diesel-gasoline ratio contradictions between supply and demand situation, delayed coking is the ideal solution to this inconsistency. Single-chip micro-computers functions are being constantly enhanced, advanced control algorithms for the carrier to provide many new high-performance models emerged. MCU in its function, small volume, high reliability, low cost and short development cycles, etc, into the field of automation and other monitoring devices widely used in industrial production as essential components. In the temperature control system, SCM is the core played an irreplaceable role. As for the heat treatment furnace for melting metal crucible resistance furnace and similar industrial heater can be widely used, with the development of production, in industry, Some equipment on the temperature control requirements are high, this article presents a single chip as the core, PID algorithms designed for the co


xingyuxiaxiang + 关注


