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Lecture 2 Business correspond 外贸流程 Establishing business relations建立业务关系 Enquiries and replies 询盘与回复 Offers and counter-offers 发盘与还盘 Orders and confirmations 订购与确认 Payment 支付 Shipping 装运 Insurance 保险 Packing 包装 9. Complaints and claims 索赔与理赔 Components of the exam ,本课程考试时间为150分钟,采用的题型有:单项选择题、填空题、英译汉、汉译英、和撰写英语书信五大题型。各类题型所占分数比重大致为:选择题共20小题,每小题1分,占总分的20%(单项选择);填空题共15题25个空,每个空一分,占总分的25%;英译汉共10小题,每小题2分,占总分的20%;汉译英共5小题,每小题3分,占总分的15%;撰写英语书信占总分的20%。 Why ? Communication Cost-saving Efficiency Objectives: In this section you will learn: Basic Knowledge of Business Communications, such as Parts of business letters Formats of business letters Writing principles of business letters Envelope addressing Email addressing Parts of Business Letters (1) Letterhead (2) Date (3) Inside Address (4) Salutation (5) Body (6) Complimentary Close (7) Signature (8) Subject Line (9) Attention Line (10) Enclosure (11) Copy Notation (12) Postscript Parts of Business Letters I. Seven Principle Parts Letterhead (信头) It includes the sender’s (or the company’s name and) address, postcode, telephone number, fax number etc. For modified block style, the letterhead is usu. centered or at the right margin. (street, city, state or province, postal code, country if necessary phone number, fax number, email address, or website) e.g. Rockefeller Center New York N. Y. 10020-1393 U. S. A. Total Communications 1234 NE Central Road Athens, Greek 98607 Phone:30-555-1212, Fax: 30-555-1515 Totalcom @communication. com Date(日期) The date is put below the letterhead to the right and should be typed in full and not abbreviated. September 2, 2006 (Am.) 2 September 2006 (Br.) 8,9,2008 × 9/8/2008 × 中文书信的日期写在后面 3. Inside Address (信内地址和姓名) Charles Staples General Manager 7 Studios 11943 Montana Avenue Los Angele


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