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1 You are supposed to tell her this bad news.? (改为否定句) You ????????????????????????tell her this bad news. 2. He is supposed to get there at six o’clock. (改为一般疑问句) ?????? ?he ????????????????get there at six o’clock? 3. Bill is supposed to call his father as soon as possible. (对划线部分提问) ?????? ?????????Bill ????????????????????????as soon as possible? 4.Parents should let their children know some good manners. (改为同义句) Parents ????????????????????????let their children know some good manners. ? 5.Mr Wang is supposed to be the best teacher in our school.? (改为主动语态) We ????????Mr Wang ????????????????the best teacher in our school. 中考聚焦 1.You ????????ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom. (2007广东茂名) ? A. supposed that?? B. are supposed to?? C. are wanted ? People are ????????????????????????????????when they meet for the first time. 2.He used to ????????in the sun, but now he is used to ????????at night.(2007甘肃兰州) ? A. read; read?? B. reading; read?? C. read; reading?? D. reading; reading 3.迈克过去常常睡懒觉,但现在他习惯于早起。 (2007山东烟台) ? Mike ????????to ????????late, but now he ????????used to ????????up early. 4.Most young people find ????????exciting to watch a football match. (2007甘肃兰州) ? A. it?? B. this?? C. that?? D. one 5.我们发现学习团队精神对青少年很重要。? (2007四川乐山) ? We find ????????important for us teenagers ????????learn team spirit. 6.It’s very nice ????????pictures for me.? (2007天津) ? A. of you to draw?? B. for you to draw?? C. for you drawing?? D. of you drawing 7Many people think it’s very important ????????us ????????learn English well. (2007贵州贵阳) ? A. for; to?? B. to; to?? C. with; for 8—How nice the music sounds! —It does! The peaceful music will make you feel ????????. (2007湖北武汉) A. excited?? B. bored?? C. moved?? D. relaxed 9直到考试结束,学生们才会觉得放松。?? (2007辽宁省十二市) ? The students ????????until the exam is over. I. 单项选择 1. Don’t point ????????anyone ????????your chopsticks. It’s not polite. A. at; by?? B. at; with?? C. to; by?? D. out; with 2. People in Colombia are very


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