关爱老人(Caring for the Elderly).ppt

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关爱老人(Caring for the Elderly)

They devote their youth to rearing us They teach us how to live, how to learn and how to love They give births to us They always give us the best things They look after us ----when we are thirsty, hungry, sick They work to supporting family and society And Now They are abandoned and beg for money in the street or sleep on the street. recommend a movie —《PULL CIRCLE》 * She Shuhui , a 64-year old women, living in the corridor. Her daughter lives in this building. Sometimes, she slept on the stairs of her daughter’s outside at night. Facing the denunciation of the neighbors, the daughter has the audacity to say that because of her mother is too dirty. But the daughter never thought about the difficulties in her mother’s life, to bring up six children, she had to pick up litter for living. It has become a habit for many year. 64岁的佘淑辉住在楼道里,而女儿的家就在这个单元楼上。她有时晚上就在女儿门外的楼梯转弯处睡觉。面对外人的声讨,女儿大言不惭称母亲太脏。但儿女却未曾想过,老太太年轻时生活困难,为了把6个儿女拉扯大,只得靠拣垃圾为生,几十年下来,已经成为了习惯 。 The old woman has five sons and a daughter. She is incontinent after falling, her sons and daughter let her live in the pigsty with pigs. Sickness?and?death?are?part?of?our?life.?Parents never thought to hinder their children, but they didn’t think that they not only without children’s company , but also live with pigs. 老太太膝下有五儿一女,摔伤后大小便失禁,儿女嫌脏便将其送到猪圈,与猪共眠,从未出圈。生老病死不由己,父母从未想过牵绊子女,但肯定更没想过,病时榻下无子,只有猪相伴。 这个在街上卖红薯老人的三轮车链条被城管人员剪断,前轮钢丝被城管踩断。城管干完就走了,他靠着墙独自哭泣,老泪纵横,必是伤心到了绝地。因为,他得吃饭,他是个老人,所以他做不了民工,他也没力气去偷抢,他是个男人,所以他当不了妓女,但他也得活呀。 This is a old man who sells the roasted sweet potato. His tricycle chain was cut and front wheel steel was crushed by chengguan (the city inspectors) . Chengguan gone after doing this, he sobbed alone against the wall. 76岁的菜农张全会和老伴,赶着毛驴车走了8个小时,到郑州卖红薯。一个男子从执法车上下来,把他们的菜往地上摔。老人驼着背,极力阻止,却被连连扇脸。张全会想说:“我们这么做,只为给家中瘫痪两年的儿子挣点买药钱。” Zhang Quanhui, a 76-years-old vegetable grower, he went to Zhengzhou to sell sweet po


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