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应 用 生 态 学 报 1997 年6 月 第8 卷 第3 期 CHIN ESE JOU R NAL OF AP PLIED ECOLOGY, Jun . 1997, 8( 3) B335~ 337 ( Thr ips palmi ) * 陈华平 贝亚维 顾秀慧 高春先 ( 浙江省农业科学院, 杭州 3 1002 1) Preference of Thr ip s pa lmi to different color sticky cards and trapping effect of blue one. Ch en Huaping, Bei Yaw ei, Gu Xiuhu i and Gao Chunxian ( Zhej ia ng Academy of Agr icu ltur al Sciences, H a ngz hou 310021) . 2 Ch in . J . App l . Ecol . , 1997, 8( 3) 335~ 337. The es on h e preference of T hr ip s p al mi o eigh color s icky cards was car ried ou in an eggplan field. T he hrip h ad h e s ronges prefer en ce o blu e s icky car d ( P 0. 01) , an d i s prefer en ce order o he o h er 7 color cards was as follows: b lu e, urgu oise, y ellow, deep2b lu e, green , orange, red and b lack. R esu l s on he rapp in g effec of b lue s icky card from eas , sou h , w es an d nor h dir ec ions show ha mos hrips were rapped from he nor h, wh ich ex2 is ed a sign ifican difference wi h h ose from h e o her hree direc ion s ( P 0 . 05) . F ive blue s icky cards were se up a h e heigh s of 73. 9, 101. 7, 129 . 5, 157 . 3 and 185. 1 cm above h e groun d o rap hrips, wh en he av er age h eigh of eggplan was approxima ely 70 cm. More hr ips w ere rapped of 73. 9 an d 10 1. 7 cm h eigh , wh ich exis ed sign ifican difference w i h hose a he o her hree h eigh s. Durin g 5 con inu ous 32h our sp ans from 5 am o 8 pm, h e numb ers of female, male and o al adul hrip s rapp ed were no sign ifican ly differen . Key words Thrips p al mi , Color preference, S icky card . 捉到很多台湾花蓟马( Tr a nkliniella tr itici ) [ 13] . 1



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