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兽医产科学 Veterinary Obstetrics (Theriogenology);第二章 母畜生殖功能的发生、发 展与调节 Development and Regulation of Female Reproductive Function;第二章 母畜生殖功能的发生发 展与调节Development and Regulation of Female Reproductive Function;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育 Oogenesis and Follicle Development;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育 Oogenesis and Follicle Development;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育 Oogenesis and Follicle Development;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育 Oogenesis and Follicle Development;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育 Oogenesis and Follicle Development;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育 Oogenesis and Follicle Development;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Emigration of the germ cells ;Embryo in the 5th week;;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅰ 卵子发生与卵泡发育;Ⅱ 母畜生殖功能的发展阶段Development Stages of Female Reproductive Function;Ⅱ 母畜生殖功能的发展阶段Development of Female Reproductive Function; 母畜达到初情期时,虽表现出一定的生殖机能活动,但表现得很不充分,发情周期也不规律(可能发情周期时间延长,或者发情不排卵,或有排卵但发情表现不明显或不发情)。母畜在初情期繁殖效率很低,往往第一次排出的卵子无受精能力,表现为“初情期不孕” ; 初情期开始的发生机理 与性腺(♀卵巢)分泌的甾体激素有关。幼年卵巢少量E2负反馈作用。随着年龄增长,下丘脑对E2负反馈作用的敏感性降低,逐渐解除了对GnRH的抑制作用,而GnRH分泌增多→刺激垂体FSH、LH及GnH的分泌增多,解除了卵泡细胞抑制卵母细胞进一步发育成熟的作用。 与甾体激素无关的其它抑制GnRH的因素,对初情期发生有重要作用。 影响初情期开始因素还应包括家畜的品种、个体差异以及气候、营养、季节、公畜刺激、疾病等外部因素。 External factors influencing the time of onset of puberty: Nutrition, season of the year, proximity of the male, climate , disease ;The young female animal shows no evidence of recurring or cyclic periods of sexual receptivity. The onset of such changes when the female becomes sexually mature and able to reproduce is referred to as puberty. Among females of the domestic species, puberty precedes the development of physical maturity and, although they become capable of reproducing, their efficiency, particularly with respect to their fecundity繁殖力, has not reach its maximum. When the female reaches puberty the genital organs increase in size. During the prepubertal period the growth of genital organs is very similar to that of other organ systems


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