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大连海事大学 毕 业 论 文 二零一一年六月 基于斩波技术的直流电机调速系统的研究与设计 专业班级:电气工程及其自动化6班 姓 名: 指导教师: 轮机工程学院 摘 要 在电力拖动系统中,调节电压的直流调速是应用最广泛的一种调速方法,除了利用晶闸管整流器获得可调直流电压外,还可利用其他电力电子元件的可控性,采用脉宽调制技术,直接将恒定的直流电压调制成极性可变、大小可调的直流电压用以实现直流电动机电枢两端电压的平滑调节,构成直流脉宽调速系统。 本文主要讨论了直流电机调速系统的一些基本概念,明确了直流电机调速的概念,并在此基础上系统地描述了直流电机调速系统的类别以及它的设计要求与调速指标,同时概要地介绍了降压斩波电路的工作原理。在直流电机调速系统中,脉宽调速系统的地位不可忽略。本文有选择性地对脉宽调速控制技术进行了探讨,为之后的仿真电路的设计提供了理论依据。进过理论方面的学习后,本文着重介绍了在MATLAB环境下设计的斩波电路中的buck斩波电路、带转速闭环负反馈的直流脉宽调速系统以及H桥式电路的组成、工作原理、和参数设置。最后应用MATLAB中的SIMULINK仿真工具,采用面向电气原理结构图的仿真技术,对他们分别进行了仿真,并在得出的仿真结果上进行了分析。 关键词: 调速,PWM控制,直流电动机,仿真 Abstract In the electric drive system, The DC Driving System which adjusts voltage is the widest used in the speed control methods. Besides to use the thyristor rectifier to adjust DC voltage, also it could use the other power electronic components’ controlled performance. Using pulse width modulation technology. Directly to modulate the constant DC voltage into variable-polarity, size adjustable DC voltage. to achieve the smooth regulation of the dc motor voltage,constituting a DC motor PWM speed control system. In this paper, it primarily discusses the basic concepts of the DC motor speed control system describing the concept of DC motor speed control, and on this basis it systematically introduces the type, design requirements and speed indicators of DC motor speed control system, also giving an overview of the step-down chopper circuit works. In the DC motor speed control system, PWM System status can not be ignored. This article has selectively discussed the pulse width speed control techniques providing a theoretical basis for the simulation later. Been to study the theory, this paper highlights the form ,the working principle and parameter settings of the designed circuit of the buck chopper , the DC PWM system with the negative feedback loop speed control system and H-bridge circuit in matlab environment. Finally making use of simulation t


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