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毕业设计(论文) 题目: 中英文化中礼貌语的对比研究 A Constructive Study of Politeness in Chinese And English Culture 学生姓名: 蔡美玲 学 号: 0807060128 专业班级: B08英语(国际商务)1班 指导教师: 唐红梅 学 院: 外国语学院 2012年4 月 中英文化中礼貌语的对比研究 摘要 语言礼貌是一种普遍的社会现象,广泛地存在于人类社会生活之中。它协调着人们的社会关系和交际活动,是维系人际和谐的工具,避免交际冲突的手段。随着中国加入WTO,中国与西方国家在政治,经济,文化方面的联系变得越来越紧密 A?Constructive?Study?of?Politeness in Chinese and?English Culture Abstract Language Courtesy is a kind of common social phenomenon, which widely occurs in the human society of life, coordinating the peoples social relationships and communication activity, maintaining interpersonal harmony, and avoiding the communication conflicts. As China entering the WTO and the forming of the globalized market, the relationship between China and the western countries has become closer, with more frequent activities in politics, economy and culture. So language courtesy is taking a more important role in our social life. In this process, the successful cross-cultural communication, to a great extent, depends on the selection of the appropriate politeness. This paper expounds the common features and different courtesy between Chinese and the western through a constructive study of politeness in Chinese and English culture. On the other hand, the paper expounds different politeness principle and the emphasis of the respective in different cultural background. Therefore, the study of this subject can conduct people to use the right polite language, avoiding the conflict that brings about the different culture courtesy and different culture according to the different occasions in the social process. At the same time, the paper can make the reader understand and master the western culture and the right way of communication. Finally, if the politeness principles are used in the English teaching and Learning, it will improve the students comprehensive quality, and the ability of cross-cultural communication. Key words: polite language; politeness principle; culture; Con


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