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Linux下网络聊天室的设计与实现林仁明计算机学院通信工程专业2008级 指导老师:岳淼 摘要: 本系统采用C/S结合的结构,客户端与客户端以及客户端与服务器端之间通过基于TCP/IP协议Socket套接口传送消息。服务器设计与实现过程中采用了多线程技术,可以在单个程序当中同时运行多个不同的线程执行不同的任务。大大增强了程序对服务器资源的利用。在Linux下编写并调试服务器端程序和客户端程序,实现了客户、服务器之间的连接和通信。可以在单机上开辟两个窗口实现客户端和服务器,或者两台主机链接分别作为客户端和服务器。总体来说,此设计以嵌入式C语言为开发语言,使用网络套接字socket建立连接,并运行多线程实现数据交换,程序经GCC调试成功,可以在单机网络中使用。关键字:TCP/IP;linux;socketDesign and Implementation of Internet chat rooms under LinuxLinren MingOf Computer Science, Communication Engineering 2008 Instructor: Yue MiaoAbstract: This system uses a combination of C / S structure, between the client and the client and customer client and server-side through the TCP / IP protocol-based Socket sets of interfaces to deliver messages. Used in server design and implementation of multi-threading technology, in a single program which is running a number of different threads to perform different tasks. Greatly enhanced the program on the use of server resources. To write and debug server-side program and client program under Linux, the connection between the client, server and communications. Two windows can be opened up on a stand-alone client and server, or the two hosts links, respectively, as the client and server. Overall, this design embedded C language for the development of language, the use of network sockets socket connection is established and run multi-threaded data exchange program GCC debugging can be used in stand-alone network.Keywords: TCP / IP; the linux; the socke目录摘要1Abstract1第一章:绪论31.1 什么是网络编程31.2 优点3第二章 linux网络聊天室设计思想42.1 功能分析42.2 总体设计4第三章 linux网络聊天室工具概述53.1 GCC53.1.1 GCC 简介53.1.2 GCC 执行过程53.1.3 GCC 基本使用方法63.2 GNU Makefile63.2.1 Makefile简介63.2.2 Makefile 规则73.3 GDB 调试73.3.1 用gdb调试 GCC 程序7第四章 关键技术分析84.1 linux线程间通信84.1.1.线程概述84.1.2.线程实现84.1.3 线程数据处理94.3 基于linux的socket网络编程94.3.1 端口和套接口94.3.2 套接字和套接口地址结构104.3.3 基本转换函数114.3.4 socket()和bind()函数124.3.5 listen()和accept()函数124.3.6 socket中TCP的三次握手建立连接详解134.3.7、socket中TCP的四次握手释放连接详解14第五章 linux下socket编程实现过程155.1 聊天室socket编译链接过程155.1 具体操作16参


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