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学校代码 专业代码 山西财经大学华商学院 本科毕业论文(设计)论文题目:基于SWOT的山西省小微企业发展——以柳林县红枣企业为例姓名:学号:班级:12级经济学2班专业:经济学系:经济贸易学院指导教师:完成时间:2016年 04 月25日 基于SWOT的山西省小微企业发展——以柳林县红枣企业为例摘 要在我国,小微企业指的是银行贷款在100万以下的个体工商户,私营企业主。本文通过分析山西省小微企业发展并以柳林县红枣小微企业为例进行SWOT模型分析,从中我们可以发展山西省所面临的小微企业发展过程中自身条件和外部环境所导致的各种发展约束条件和自身及国家政府推行的优惠政策。并且在对柳林县红枣企业的举例分析时,不难发现红枣行业在如今经济发展趋势的背景和红枣企业的品牌发展以及政府支持政策之下,红枣企业在市场发展中一天天强大起来。就总体客观环境来说不论是山西省的小微企业还是柳林县红枣企业的发展都在利用自己的发展优势,规避劣势,做出了相应的可行政策,其中包括调整产业结构、降低市场资本的门槛和作出相关法律法规和约束民间借贷等。 关键词:山西省; 小微企业; 柳林县红枣企业;?发展研究 AbstractIn our country, the small micro enterprise refers to a bank loan under 1 millionindividual industrial and commercial households, the private business owners. In this article, through analysis of small micro enterprise development in Shanxi Province as a case study of liulin, red jujube small micro enterprise SWOT model analysis, from which we can development of Shanxi Province, facing the small micro enterprise development as a result of their own conditions and external environment in the process of various constraint conditions and their own development and implementation of the preferential policies of national governments. And when, for example, analysis of the liulin, red jujube enterprise, it is not difficult to found the red jujube industry in todays background and the development trend of the red jujube the brand development of the enterprise and the government support policy, red jujube enterprise in the development of the market grew stronger. In terms of overall objective environment both small micro enterprises in Shanxi Province and liulin, red jujube the development of enterprises are using their own development advantages, avoid disadvantages, make the corresponding feasible policies, including adjusting industrial structure, reducing the threshold of the capital market and making relevant laws and regulations and constraints folk lending, etcKeywords: Shanxi red dates in Liulin County;Small and micro businesses enterprise development research 目 录一、 导 论1(一)


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