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3L英语期末测试题 Name_____________ Score_____________ I. Sound.(选择和划线部分发音相同的词)20% ( ) 1. first A tonight B term C April D second ( ) 2. south A October B sun C how D home ( ) 3. walk A work B clock C watch D forecast ( ) 4. rarely A near B funfair C really D arrive ( ) 5. every A very B stamp C lump D family ( ) 6. FridayA fit B why C piano D he ( ) 7. cinema A car B black C cook D sea ( ) 8. watch A shine B orange C March D large ( ) 9. lunch A usually B suddenly C August D housework ( ) 10. week A fix B piece C film D instead II. Vocabulary. 20% A. 根据句子的意思,用括号中所给的单词的适当形式填空。 1. There are four _____(term) in the school year. 2. The wind often ______(blow) in the East. 3. The Clarks always _______(go) to the seaside on holiday. 4. Lily______(write) a letter in English. 5. Philip ______(play) football at school. B. 根据句子的意思,填上适当的词(首字母以给出)1. often s_________ a happy week-end. 2. We’ll go to the c________ and see a film. 3. Saturday and Sunday are the b_______ days of the week. 4. In winter, the sun always r________ late and always sets early. 5. Let’s listen to the . III. Read and match. 10% ( ) 1. What are these in English? A. It’s orange ( ) 2. What’s the weather like in autumn? B. He is in his car ( ) 3. Where is David? C. He is my brother. ( ) 4. What colour is that orange? D. They are eggs ( ) 5. Who’s that man? E. It’s often cool. Ⅳ. Read and choose. 20% ( )1.___night they go to bed early. A In B On C At D In the ( )2. 现在是八点45分. A It’s a quarter past 8 now B It’s fifteen past 9 now C It’s a quarter to 8 now D It’s a quarter to 9 now ( )3. Maria usually ___ work by bus every day. A go B goes C go to D goes ( )4. Miss William’s car stops, and she ___her car. A gets of B get out of C gets out of D get of ( )5. We always ____home late. A arrive B arrive


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