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某大型商场防排烟系统设计摘 要改革开放以后,我国经济飞跃式的发展,越来越多的大型商场拔地而起,出现在人们的生活中。但是大型商场给人们带来便利的同时,也给人们带来了恐惧,一旦商场内发生火情,商场内的可燃物就会产生大量的烟气,导致人员被熏倒、中毒、窒息,给人员的疏散和火灾救援造就了难题。本课题设计项目是某四层的大型商场,本设计共分为八个章节,分别介绍了国外国内的防排烟技术的发展现状,以及设计防排烟的意义;根据该商场的工程设计相关资料,对该商场进行火灾危险性评估;通过划分防火分区和防烟分区来对有害的烟气进行控制,选择合理的适合本商场的防排烟方式;根据楼梯间的结构选择楼梯间的防烟方式,计算送风量的大小选择合适的风机;对本设计的商场大厅进行排烟设计,通过计算每个防烟分区负担的排烟量选择该排烟系统合适的排烟风机,并绘制管道系统布置图;进行管网水力计算;防排烟附件的选型,相对完善的总结了如何进行该商场防排烟系统的设计思路以及实用性。设计防排烟系统的目的就是要控制火灾中烟气的流动方向,并能有效的阻止有害烟气迅速蔓延至其他区域,营造火场人员的安全疏散和消防人员扑救火灾的条件,所以防排烟技术受到社会的广泛重视,在建筑防火方面占有很重要领域,在大型商场内设置防烟、排烟设施是十分必要的。关键词:大型商场 防排烟系统 设计说明 Design of Ventilation and Smoke Exhaust System for an Office BuildingABSTRACTAfter the reform and opening up, Chinas rapid development of the economy, more and more large shopping malls where they stand, appear in peoples lives. But the large shopping malls to bring convenience to people at the same time, but also to bring people fear, once the fire in the mall, the stores combustible material will produce a lot of flue gas, resulting in personnel were smoked, poisoned, suffocated, to Personnel evacuation and fire rescue created a problem.The design of the project is a four-storey shopping malls, the design is divided into eight chapters, respectively, introduced the domestic foreign smoke and smoke technology development status, and the design of the significance of smoke; according to the relevant information about the mall, The fire risk analysis; by dividing the fire zone and smoke partition control of the smoke, choose a reasonable way to smoke control; according to the structure of the staircase to choose the way between the stairs smoke, calculate the size of the air supply to choose the appropriate Fan; the smoke exhaust design of the hall, by calculating the amount of smoke in each smoke partition selected smoke exhaust system, and draw the pipeline system layout; pipe network hydraulic calculation; Type, relatively perfect summary of how to carry out the shopping mall smoke exhaust system design ideas a


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