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汽车保险杠铝成型组件有限元分析及工艺优化摘要近年来,随着环境污染、能源枯竭等问题的日趋严重以及国家政策的支持和鼓励,汽车轻量化已越来越被人们所重视,且已逐渐成为当前和未来汽车技术发展的主要方向。基于此,在汽车车身及其零配的件的材料选择上,人们越来越关注材料本身的重量。其中,铝合金板材作为一种低密度、高强度、可塑性强的金属材料,受到了越来越多汽车厂商的青睐。然而,在板料成形技术中,起皱、断裂、变形不足和回弹等质量问题也越来越突出,这不仅造成了大量的材料浪费,还严重制约了铝合金板材在汽车制造中的使用。因此,探索出一种适合铝合金板材冲压成型的优秀工艺,成了当前众多汽车厂商研究的重点。本文将利用有限元分析软件ANSYS Workbench对汽车保险杠中铝成型组件的冲压成型进行分析研究,找出导致其出现质量问题的主要因素,并结合分析结果尝试对现有的冲压工艺进行合理优化,达到提高成品率的目的。关键字有限元分析 铝成型 工艺优化Finite Element Analysis and Process Optimization of Aluminum Brackets for Automobile BumperAbstractIn recent years, with the environmental pollution, energy depletion and other issues become increasingly serious and national policy support and encouragement, automotive lightweight has been more and more attention, and has gradually become the current and future development of the main direction of automotive technology The Among them, the aluminum alloy sheet as a low-density, high strength, plasticity of the metal material, by more and more car manufacturers of all ages. However, in the sheet metal forming technology, wrinkling, rupture, deformation and rebound and other quality problems are more and more prominent, which not only caused a lot of material waste, but also seriously restricted the use of aluminum alloy sheet in the automotive industry The Therefore, to explore a suitable for aluminum alloy sheet stamping of the excellent process, has become the focus of many car manufacturers.In this paper, the finite element analysis software ANSYS Workbench is used to analyze the stamping of aluminum forming components in automobile bumper, and the main factors leading to its quality problems are found out. Combining with the analysis results, the existing stamping process is optimized reasonably, To achieve the purpose of improving the yield.Key wordsFinite element analysisaluminum formingprocess optimization第1章绪论1.1 引言近年来,由于人们人们生活水平的不断提高,对衣食住行的要求也越累越重视。汽车最为一种最常见的交通工具,为人们的出行提供了极大的方便,因此汽车的保有量近年来出现了持续增长的趋势。据统计,2016年新注册登记的汽车达2752万辆,保有量净增2212万辆,汽车总保有量已达1.94亿辆,均达到历


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