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初二英语期中考试复习提纲 (8B Unit 1—3) Unit 1 重点词组: an hour ago 一小时前 in the past在过去 live in the town 住在城镇里 come back回来 at weekends在周末 water pollution水污染 the poison in the waste废弃物里的毒素 kill fish and plants杀死鱼和植物 pollute the river污染这条河 move to other areas搬到别的地区 throw away something扔掉某物 a real problem真正的问题 as often as before像以前一样经常 over the past century在过去的一个世纪 about Beijing’s past and present 关于北京的过去和现在 watch this film看电影 have a cold感冒 travel by plane乘飞机旅行 enjoy the trip喜欢旅行 look like a real one看起来像真的 move into…搬进… in use在使用中 some new highways一些新的公路 used to live in old houses 过去常住在老房子里 grow up 长大 the same feeling同样的感觉 chat with friends和朋友聊天 walk to school走路去学校 after class课后 cause many problems引起很多问题 重点句型: How well do you know Sunshine Town, Mr. Cheng? 陈先生,你对阳光真有多了解? Have you lived in Sunshine Town for many years? 你住在阳光镇很多年了吗? Then my wife and I moved to another house in the centre of the town. 然后我妻子和我搬到镇中心的另一所房子。 Has Sunshine Town changed a lot? 阳光镇变化大吗? The pollution was terrible at that time. 那时的污染很严重。 Later, the government realized it was a very serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution. 随后,政府意识到这是一个严重的问题,并且采取措施来减少污染。 Now, the river is becoming clean again. 现在,这条河又变干净了。 Do you think life is better now? 你认为生活现在好点吗? However, it has become more difficult to see my old friends. 但是,见到我的老朋友变得更难了。 How many people lived in Sunshine Town in the past? 过去有多少人住在阳光镇? I had an interview with Daniel’s grandpa Mr. Chen this morning. 今天早晨我给丹尼尔的爷爷陈先生作了一个访问。 Eddie was born four years ago. 埃迪十四年前出生的。 Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born. 埃迪自从出生以来就和米莉住在一起。 Have you seen any exhibitions recently, Sandy? 桑迪,你最近看过展览会吗? I have already done my homework. 我已经完成作业了。 Have you known Sandy for a long time? 你认识桑迪很长时间了吗? I have not heard from her yet. 我还没有收到她的来信。 Things have changed a lot over the years. 这么多年来事情发生了很大的变化。 I hope I can visit Starlight Town again and see the changes myself. 我希望我能再次参观星光镇,亲自看看那些变化。 When I was in primary sc


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