5b 期中测试一160份8K.doc

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5b 期中测试一160份8K

牛津小学英语5B单元练习五(Unit 1~5) 班级_________ 姓名_________ 学号_________ 一、选出你所听到的单词。’ 二、听录音,选出正确答案。’ ( ) 1. A. I am staying in bed now. B. I can draw a nice picture now. C. I feel better now. D. I usually drink some water and then go to bed. ( ) 2. A. I am speaking with Gao Shan. B. I’ve got a bad headache. C. We are doing our homework. D. We have many flowers. ( ) 3. A. He has PE and Social Science. B. They have Chinese And PE. C. She has two Chinese lessons. D. We have PE and Social Science. ( ) 4. A. Sure. I can do it at once. B. Yes, please. C. Let’s put the picture on the wall. D. No, I don’t. ( ) 5. A. She is looking at the pictures. B. She doesn’t like it. C. She likes going shopping and growing flowers. D. Yes, she can. ( ) 6. A. He is doing some cleaning at home. B. Yes, he does. C. He likes growing flowers, too D. Yes, he can. 笔 试 部 分 三、翻译词组。18’ 1. 中国邮票_____________________ 2. 拍照_____________________ 3. 做飞机模型___________________ 4. 重感冒____________________ 5. 服药________________________ 6. 多休息___________________ 7. 待在家里____________________ 8. 在网上浏览________________ 9. 在周六______________________ 10. 在树下__________________ 11. 一门有趣的科目______________ 12. 飞快地跑_________________ 13. after school _________________ 14. in this week _______________ 15. a new term __________________ 16. near the clock _____________ 17. cook nice food _____________ 18. come here ________________ 四、选择题。’ ( ) 1. The boy draws ______. A. careful B. carefully C. be careful ( ) 2. He showing his stamps ______ his friends. A. to B. for C. of ( ) 3. Liu Tao has got _______ bad headache. A. the B. an C. a ( ) 4. A: What’s _____ with you? B: I have got a cold. A. matter B. trouble C. wrong ( ) 5. My friend Zhang Ling ______ Maths an Science.


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