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Chinese and food culture 张锐 余晨 汪继瑞 杨玲 People regard food as their prime want 民以食为天 Questions about food culture What is the worlds three largest kingdom of cuisine ? What do you know about Chinese cuisine? Do you know any stories behind the food? Do you know the common translations of the Chinese food? The worlds three largest kingdom of cuisine Turkey cuisine French cuisine Chinese cuisine Which cuisine ? Spicy deep-fried chicken Which cuisine ? Mapo doufu Which cuisine ? Kung pao chicken Four Culinary Traditions of China 四大菜系 Chinese dishes may be categorized as one of the four Culinary Traditions of China, also called the Four Regional Cuisines and the Four Cuisines of China. Four Culinary Traditions of China 四大菜系 Cantonese 粤菜 Su 苏菜 Lu 鲁菜 chuan 川菜 Kung pao chicken The dish is believed to be named after Ding Baozhen, a late Qing Dynasty official, a one-time governor of Sichuan. His title was Gong Bao .The name Kung Pao chicken is derived from this title Kung pao chicken 丁宝桢原籍贵州,清咸丰年间进士,曾任山东巡抚,后任四川总督。他一向很喜欢吃辣椒与猪肉、鸡肉爆炒的菜肴,据说在山东任职时,他就命家厨制作“酱爆鸡丁”等菜,很合胃口,但那时此菜还未出名。调任四川总督后,每遇宴客,他都让家厨用花生米、干辣椒和嫩鸡肉炒制鸡丁,肉嫩味美,很受客人欢迎。后来他由于戍边御敌有功被朝廷封为“太子少保”,人称“丁宫保”,其家厨烹制的炒鸡丁,也被称为“宫保鸡丁”。 Kung pao chicken The wok is seasoned and then chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns are flash fried to add fragrance to the oil. Then the chicken is stir fried and vegetables, along with peanuts, are added. Shaoxing wine is used to enhance flavor in the marinade. Kung pao chicken Westernised versions Li Hongzhang hotchpotch A popular dish named after Li Hongzhang,a prominent statesman in the Qing Dynasty who was from Anhui. The dish, a complex soup, is somewhat salty with a taste of sweetness. Many ingredients are used in the soup but the most common ones include sea cucumber, fish, squid, bamboo, dry bean curd, chicken, ham, and assorted vegetables. 李鸿章杂烩 相传公元1896年,李鸿章奉旨到俄国参加皇 尼古拉二世的加冕典礼,顺道访问欧美。一路上吃了两个多月的西餐,胃口都吃倒了,所以一到


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