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26 2 Vol.26 Supp.2 2007 12 Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering Dec. 2007 ( 100044) 63 9 5 U 45 A 1000 6915(2007)2 3718 09 SAFETY RISK ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF COMPLEX BUILDINGS IN SHALLOW-BURIED LARGE-SPAN TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION HOU Yanjuan ZHANG Dingli (Tunnel and Underground Engineering Research Center of Ministry of EducationBeijing Jiaotong University Beijing100044China) Abstract Increasing attention to urban environment safety due to urban tunnel excavation is focused in recent years. Therefore it is significant to minimize the impact of tunnel construction on existing structures facilities and especially some buildings. Compared with other structuresbuildings are more sensitive to external effects because of particularity and complexity of structure and their deformation mechanisms are more complicatedthus the accident consequences are more serious correspondingly. The 1st-stage Xiamen Airdrome project passes through a large number of buildings with shallow-buried large-span tunnel in complex geology stratamaking the buildings protection crucial to assure environment safety and successful tunneling. Consequently the mechanism and factors of tunneling-induced influence on buildings should be analyzed firstand thenafter foundation and structure type height and current damage condition etc.are classifiedthe safety evaluation of all the 63 buildings is then performed. Fuzzy-synthetic evaluation method is introduced in risk assessment and rating here. Nine key affecting factors of two general kinds are selected and the member function and weight of these factors are also determined. It is predicted that anticipated safety target of these buildings of d


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