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骨纤维异常增殖症:可呈囊状透光区、分房状、磨玻璃状、一片云白区、丝瓜囊样、牧羊杖形、V字形。 Fibrous dysplasia:it can be cystic photic zone,housing allocation,vitric or just like white cloud, loofah capsule,sheephook and “V” font. 动脉瘤样骨囊肿:X 线表现多为膨胀性改变, 呈吹气球样外观, 边缘可见分叶状改变, 与正常骨分界清晰, 部分可见硬化边, 有时能显示病灶内的纤维间隔, 可呈皂泡状外观, 此征象具有一定的特征性。 Aneurysmal bone cyst:X-ray representation is mostly swellable which just like balloon shape. The margin is lobulated and clear with normal Bone.Some cases can show sclerosis margin or fibrous septum in the lesion which present soap bubble appearance.this sign is characteristic. MRI示病变边缘有薄的在T1W I及T2W I上均为低信号的完整或不完整环, 病灶内亦可见同样低信号的间隔。 MRI shows a thin circle which is intact or imperfect in the margin of the lesion in T1W I and T2WI.In addition ,the same hypointensity septum can be seen in the lesion. 手术(operation) 眼眶骨内血管瘤应选择完整切除, 术中沿肿瘤与正常骨组织边缘用骨凿行肿物大部分凿除, 残留断面上与正常骨质接触的血管瘤组织可用刮匙刮除至正常骨质。 Intraosseous hemangioma of the orbit shoud be resected intactly.The operator can chisel out most part of the tumor using osteotome along the margin between the tumor and nomal bone tissue in the operation. And then using curet to strike off hemangioma tissue in the contact surface between the vestigital section and the nomal bone until there is only nomal bone tissue left. 有报道认为眼眶骨内血管瘤术中大出血的风险较大 , 可以有选择地进行术前栓塞术。 It is reported that it has great risk of massive haemamorrhage in the operation,so the embolization can be used selectively. 放射治疗(Radiotherapy) 放射治疗可用于全身手术条件差或难以进行手术切除的患者, 也可用于未完全切除的病例术后治疗。 Radiotherapy can be used in those patients who are in bad operation condition or has diffuculty to resect the tumor and the cases resected incompletely after the operation. 但有报道放射治疗可引起骨内血管瘤恶性转化, 还可影响儿童局部骨骼的发育, 并且放射治疗仅干扰骨内血管瘤的生长而不会使肿物缩小, 因此需谨慎采用。 But it is reported that the radiotherapy not only can cause the malignant transformation in the intraosseous hemangioma but also will affect the localiaz


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