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标准听力(二)听力原文及答案解析 Listening Comprehension Section A 11. W: Do you enjoy life in Washington? M: Yes, Madam. I’m planning to move to New York or Boston. Anyway, I’ve never regretted my earlier decision. Q: Where does the man live now? 【听前预测】由选项均为地点名词可推测,本题与某一地点或场所有关。因此,在听音时应快速浏览四个选项中的地点场所,并在听音时捕捉关键信息词对号入座即可选出答案。 【解 析】选[D]。女士问男士是否喜欢在Washington的生活,男士给予肯定回答,由此可推断,男士现在住在Washington。New York和Boston是男士planning to move的地方,故排除[A]选项和[B]选项。 12. M: Did you go to the Students’ Center and see the film last night? It’s terrific! W: I wish I had seen the film instead of the TV series. Q: What did the woman do last night? 【听前预测】由选项中的She watched/went/did等可推测,本题与女士过去的行为活动有关。 【解 析】选[A]。女士用虚拟语气提到 “I wish I had seen the film instead of the TV series”,表明她昨晚看了电视连续剧而没有看电影,故答案为[A]。 13. W: The weather is terribly hot. Shall we go to the beach for the vacation for the coming holiday? M: Oh, why? There are so many museums, art galleries and restaurants in Washington. I’d be happy here no matter what the weather is like. Q: What does the man mean? 【听前预测】选项中的He dislikes/does not care/hates等表明,本题考查男士的观点态度。 【解 析】选[B]。女士说天气太热了,并建议男士和她一起去海边度假男士说不论天气怎么样,他还是喜欢待在这儿由此可推断,男士并不介意炎热的天气,故答案为[B]。 14. W: I have never shopped here, but I think Price Club is a kind of membership store.M: Does it mean that I can buy here at a lower price if I have got its membership? Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 【听前预测】选项中重复出现的club表明,对话可能与某个俱乐部有关。 【解 析】选[B]。女士说的“I think Price Club is a kind of membership store.”(我觉得Price Club应该是个会员制的商店),以及男士问句“Does it mean that…if I have got its membership?”表明,他对这家店不是很了解,故答案为[B]。 15. W: Hello, Mr. Brown. This is John Barrett’s secretary. I’m calling to cancel his appointment with you at ten as he is feeling a bit under the weather today. M: Thanks for calling. It’s quite all right. We’ll arrange some other time to meet. Q: Why does John Barrett cancel his appointment with Mr. Brown? 【听前预测】选项weather, handle first, isn’t in a good condition等内容提示,对话可能考查he不做某事的原因。 【解 析】选[D]


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