[英语]必修1 unit5 Learning about language.ppt

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[英语]必修1 unit5 Learning about language

* 人教课标 高一 必修1 Unit 5 Discovering Useful Words and Expressions league guidance out of work devoted mean stage fee principle mankind youth n. 种类;社团; 联盟;同盟 1. They are not in the same league. 他们的水平有高低。 2. Our club is a member of the Golf League. 我们的俱乐部是高尔夫联合会的一员。 3. Most of us in our class are League members. 我们班上大多数是团员。 n. 指导;引 导;导航 1. Under his guidance, we finished the work smoothly. 在他的指导下,我们顺利地完成了工作。 2. She is a marriage guidance counselor. 她是婚姻问题的顾问。 3. The airplane has a sophisticated electronic guidance system. 这架飞机有一套尖端的电子导航系统。 He is worried because he has been out of work for a year. It is so hot. The air conditioner must be out of work. 失业; (机器)出问题 1. The award was a reward for her years of devoted work. 这个奖项是对她多年全心全意工作的 褒奖。 2. She is a good wife and a devoted mother. 她是一位贤妻良母。 adj. 投入的;深爱的; 全心全意的 vt. 致力于; 奉献给; 把 ...... 专用于 1. You must devote your energy to your work. 你必须专心于工作。 2. He devoted himself entirely to music. 他将一生奉献给了音乐。 3. I devote part of my spare time to playing violin everyday. 我每天都花部分业余时间练习小提琴。 短语中的 to 为介词,接动词时要为动名词形式 1. What does this word mean? 这个单词是什么意思? 2. I mean to call on you tomorrow. 我打算明天看望你。 3. Spending too much now means a shortage of cash next year. 现在花钱过头,来年就要缺钱。 v. 意思是;打算;导致;意味着 1. Don’t be so mean to your little brother! 别对你弟弟那么刻薄! 2. That was a mean trick! 那是一个卑劣的诡计! 3. Her husband is very mean about money. 她的丈夫在金钱上很吝啬。 adj. 低劣的;刻薄的;卑鄙的;吝啬的 1. I mean to make his acquaintance. 我想和他熟悉了解下。 2. To a certain extent, to raise wages means increasing purchasing power. 在一定程度上, 提高工资意味着增加购买力。 mean to do … “打算做某事”; mean doing … “意味着干某事” 1. 你想身无分文就走吗? Do you mean to go without money? 2. 错过一辆公交车意味着再等一小时。 Missing a bus means waiting for another hour. 3. 我打算明天看望你。 I mean to call on you tomorrow. 1. She stood alone on the enormous stage. 2. He quitted the stage of politics. 3. The disease



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