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Unit 12 Text Explanation Part II Paragraph 6 Now, no one can eat his cake, and have it, too, and it is late in the day to attempt to penalize black people for having created a language that permits the nation its only glimpse of reality, a language without which the nation would be even more whipped than it is. whipped: subjected to harsh criticism. penalize inflict punishment on Speeding on city streets should be penalized.在城市街道超速行驶应受到处罚 Considering the lad was a minor, judges did not simply try the case and penalize him.考虑到这个男孩还是个未成年人,法官并没有简单地审判并惩处这个男孩。 There could be quite serious shortages and large rises in food prices, which will penalize the poorest.有可能是相当严重的水资源短缺和大量食品价格的上升,这将击垮一些贫穷的国家。 glimpse (n. )1. a quick look; 2. a brief or incomplete view; 3. a vague indication (v.) catch a quick look of or see briefly The fans of the actress craned their necks to catch a glimpse of their idol.那位女演员的影迷伸长了脖子想看一眼他们崇拜的偶像。 Every experience is a footstep into the future. Every failure or success is a glimpse into the future.人生中,每一次的经验都是前进的基石;生命里,每一次的成败都是未来的借鉴。 Paragraph 7 (part 1) I say that this present skirmish is rooted in American history, and it is. Black English is the creation of the black diaspora. Blacks came to the United States chained to each other, but from different tribes: Neither could speak the others language. If two black people, at that bitter hour of the worlds history, had been able to speak to each other, the institution of chattel slavery could never have lasted as long as it did. skirmish (n.)a minor short-term fight; (v.)engage in such a fight He was shot in a skirmish with the enemy.他在与敌人的一次小冲突中被击中。 Everybody but Toby enters into this skirmish .除了托比外,全家人都投入了这场小冲突。 A minor skirmish ensued as people fought over supplies.由于争抢供给品而引发了一场小冲突。 diaspora n. 1. the body of Jews (or Jewish communities) outside Palestine or modern Israel; 2. the dispersion of the Jews outside Israel; from the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 587-86 BC when they wer


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