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* Composition for CET-4 (对比分析类) 写作模式 参考范文 My Choice Between Sth. and Sth. Else 1. 在两个事物之间作出你的选择 2. 对比说明你的选择理由 写作模式(对比分析类) Para.1: 1) With a gradual/sharp growth (decline/worsening/progress/arrival) of/in sth., people become more and more concerned about how to… 2) To make it, some prefer to…while others choose to… 3) If I were asked to make a choice between the two, however, I would like to attach more weight to the latter/former than to the former/latter. Ⅵ. Writing Back 上一页 下一页 (划线部分可以被替换) Para. 2: 4) It is true that ____ does ensure/ bring a lot of …for one, such as…, but, compared with ____, it seems less attractive to me. 5) To begin with, …, thereby …(理由I) 6) By contrast, …, thus … 7) Besides, …, in which context … (理由II) 8) In contrast to that, …, in which case … 9) And the most striking difference between both lies in … (理由III) 10) … while/whereas …(对比说明) Ⅵ. Writing 上一页 下一页 (划线部分可以被替换) Back How to Prevent a Terrible Marriage 1. 为了避免婚姻的潜在危机,一些人选择婚前协议的方式而另一些人仍通过相互信任的传统方式。 2. 就这两种方式,你的选择倾向是······ (通过对比说明你的选择理由) Ⅵ. Writing 上一页 Back How to Prevent a Terrible Marriage 1) With a sharp growth in the divorce rate, people become more and more concerned about how to avoid the potential risks of their marriages. 2) To make it, some prefer to make premarital agreements before their wedding ceremonies while others still choose to maintain their marriages through their mutual trust. 3) If I were asked to make a choice between the two, however, I would like to attach more weight to the latter than to the former. Ⅵ. Writing 上一页 下一页 Back 4) It is true that the marriage with a prenup (premarital agreement) does ensure a lot of benefits for the family, such as the protection of children from going hungry or the reasonable distribution of financial asset


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