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大学英语应用能力测试(B级)历年真题与答案(2006-2011年) (本册试题为历年全国高等学校英语三级已考真题,共10套,附详细答案,不含听力部分) 1.2006年12月 Part II Vocabulary Structure (is minutes) Section A 16. It is the general manager who makes the ______ decisions in business. A) beginning B) finishing C)first D) final 17. Never ______ such a good boss before I came to this company. A) do I meet B) I met C) had I met D) I had met 18. If the machine should ______, call this number immediately. A) break down B) set out C) put on D) go up 19. The manager showed the new employee ______ to find the supplies. A) what B) where C) that D) which 20. Look at the clock! Its time ______ work. A) we started B) well start C) were starting D) we have started 21. The sales department was required In ______ a plan in three weeks. A) turn up B) get up C) come up with D) put up with 22. Price is not the only thing customers consider before ______ what to buy. A) deciding B) decided C) to decide D) having decided 23. All the traveling ______ are paid by the company if you travel on business. A) charges B) money C) prices D) expenses 24. Sorry, we cannot ______ you the job because you dont have any work experience. A) make B) send C) offer D) prepare 25. This article is well written because special attention ______ to the choice of words nod style of writing. A) had been paid B) has been paid C) will be paid D) will have been paid Section C 26. It is a fact that traditional meals are (healthy) ______ than fast foods. 27. Nurses should treat the sick and wounded with great (kind) ______. 28. All visitors to the lab (expect) ______ to take off their shoes before they enter. 29. (Personal) ______ I thi


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