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摘 要 旅行社管理系统是一套技术更新比较快的实用商务管理系统。通过对一些中型规模的旅行社的考察,旅游公司所需的旅游信息量越来越大。因此,加强对旅游公司信息资源的整合、统一管理。本设计是基于这种现状,来提高上海沪连旅行社工作效率的管理信息系统。 本系统是在软件工程的方法以及JSP和MySQL数据库技术的支持下完成的。针对需求分析进行了包括功能模块、数据库等方面的系统设计,最终研究出了B/S模式下的上海沪连旅行社管理系统。通过对数据库表的增、删、改、查,实现了对旅行社各种信息的检索和数据统计。 一个旅游信息可以快速发布到信息管理系统上,同时对文档进行自动化的管理,把各类信息有序地进行存储,可以完成信息管理、信息查询、权限设置、留言簿等功能。最终实现了上海沪连旅行社管理系统的各种业务系统的数据集成和信息集成。 关键词:旅行社管理系统,JSP,B/S模式,信息检索 ABSTRACT Travel agency management system is a technology refresh faster practical business management system. Through the investigation of some medium scale travel agencies, travel company of tourism information required is growing. Therefore, strengthening the tourism information resources integration, unified management. This design is also based on the current situation, to improving the efficiency of Shanghai Hulian travel service management information system. This system is a method in software engineering, and completed with the support of JSP and MySQL database technology. Including feature modules for needs analysis, databases and other aspects of system design, eventually developed the B/S mode of Shanghai Hulian travel service management system. Through the increase of the information, delete, alter and check, for the travel agencies of various information retrieval and data and statistics. A variety of tourist can quickly publish information to the information management system, automated management of the document at the same time, orderly manner all kinds of information storage, information management, information can be completed, permission settings, book and other functions. Ultimately, Shanghai Hulian travel service management system data from various business systems and information integration. Keywords: travel agency management systems, JSP,B/S mode, information retrieval 目 录 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 研究目的及意义 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1.3 相关技术介绍 4 1.3.1 JSP技术 4 1.3.2 MySQL 5 1.4 主要研究内容 6 第2章 需求分析 7 2.1 可行性分析 7 2.2 用户需求描述 8 2.3 系统功能 9 2.4 数据字典 9 2.5 数据流图 10 2.6 运行需求 11 2.6.1 最低配置 11 2.


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