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海 南 大 学 毕 业 论 文(设计) 题 目:基于STC89C52单片机的LED显示电子钟的制作 姓 名: 年 级: 2012级 学 院: 学 部: 工学部 专 业: 电子科学与技术专业 指导教师: 完成日期: 2014 年 6 月 30 日 摘要 随着人类科技文明的发展,人们对于时钟的要求在不断地提高。时钟已不仅仅被看成一种用来显示时间的工具,在很多实际应用中它还需要能够实现更多其它的功能。高精度、多功能、低功耗,是现代时钟发展的趋势。在这种趋势下,时钟的数字化、多功能化已经成为现代时钟生产研究的主导设计方向。本文正是基于这种设计方向,以单片机为控制核心,设计制作一个符合指标要求的多功能数字时钟。? ?本设计基于单片机技术原理,以单片机芯片STC89C52作为核心控制器,通过硬件电路的制作以及软件程序的编制,设计制作出一个电子时钟系统。该时钟系统主要由电源模块、晶振电路模块、复位电路模块、LED点阵显示模块、以及键盘控制模块组成。本设计的电子时钟能够准确显示时间(显示格式为时时:12:30:23:59:50,刚上电时为,当显示到12:30:23:59:59,即有重新:01:01:00:00:00开始显示),可随时进行时间调整。设计以硬件软件化为指导思想,充分发挥单片机功能,大部分功能通过软件编程来实现,电路简单明了,系统稳定性高。同时,该时钟系统还具有功耗小、成本低的特点,具有很强的实用性。 关键词:单片机;LED点阵;数字时钟 Abstract With the development of human civilization, people to the requirement of clock in constant increase. The clock is not only to be seen as a kind of tool used to display the time, in many practical applications and it needs to be able to achieve more other functions. High accuracy, multi-function, low power consumption, it is the trend of the development of the modern clock. Under this trend, digital clock, muti_function change has become a dominant design of modern clock production research direction. This article is based on the design direction, with the single chip processor as the core, design a meet the requirements of the indicators of the multi-function digital clock. This design principle based on single chip microcomputer technology, chip STC89C52 MCU as the core controller, through the production of hardware circuit and software program compiled, design to produce an electronic clock system. The clock system mainly consists of a power supply module, crystals circuit module, reset circuit module, LED dot matrix display module, and the composition of the keyboard control module. The design of electronic clock can accurately show time (display format for all the time: 12:30:23:59:50, just when the electricity is, whe



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