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摘要 城市的,象征着一个城市的。随着本论文;关键词: Abstract In human life, working environment, transport plays an important role, people travel are all the time and transportation dealt with, the transportation network is the arteries of the city, a symbol of a city of industrial civilization level. With the continuous development of city life, the rapid population growth, traffic congestion has become the people face the serious problem. But transportation development road resources and explosive the limitations of the traffic light convenient control is made. This article discussed the intelligence based on single chip microcomputer control in the process of the traffic lights, careful analysis of the traffic of the modules and improved, including the function of single chip, the traffic acquisition, data analysis and a software program of reading and writing; After two at traffic lights for example, analyzes the different simulation of traffic flow again, the duration of the traffic lights, made clear the traffic lights to the past the improvement and practical effect. Improved intelligent traffic control system, can go through the direction of traffic to the duration of how much traffic lights, traffic is more convenient quickly, the greatest degree of slow traffic pressure. Let peoples life better travel. Key Words:Intelligent traffic lights; Traffic detection; Single chip 目录 1章 绪论 1 1.1 国内外交通控制系统的发展及应用前景 1 1.2 本论文的研究内容 3 第2章 系统方案选型 4 2.1 智能交通灯控制系统的基本结构及原理 4 2.2 控制器选型 5 2.2.1 DSP控制器 5 2.2.2 FPGA控制器 5 2.2.3 单片机控制器 6 2.3 车流量检测技术选型 6 2.3.1 环形线圈检测器 6 2.3.2 地磁检测器 7 2.3.3 霍尔传感器 7 2.4 显示技术选型 8 第3章 系统硬件设计 9 3.1单片机外围电路设计 9 3.1.1 单片机选型 9 3.1.2 AT89S51单片机简介 10 3.1.3 单片机外围电路 11 3.2 车流量检测电路 12 3.3 交通灯显示电路 13 3.4 电源电路设计 14 第4章 系统软件程序的设计 17 4.1 算法分析 17 4.2 倒计时程序设计 18 4.3 交通灯的转变程序设计 19 4.4 车流量计算程序设计 20 第5章 基于单片机智能交通灯的控制系统的测试 22 第6章 总结与展望 23 参考文献 24 致谢 25 附录一 整机电路图 26 附录二 系统程序 27 第1章 绪论同时对本课题的研究目的、意义、主要内容及创新点作出了说明。 80年代初,全世界建有交通管制中心的城市有300多个,代表了未来交通控制的发展方向。1968年,联合国《道路交通和道路标志信号协定》对各种信号灯的含义作了规定。绿灯是


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