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基于浮动车的实时路况分析算法 摘 要 交通拥挤已成为困扰世界各大城市的主要社会问题之一,严重影响城市的可持续发展和人们的日常生活与工作。在当前的交通控制系统中,交通状态数据的采集越来越被重视,目前用于交通状态获取的手段主要有微波雷达、感应线圈、视频摄像头等,这些检测器主要部署在关键路段和主要路口。由于这种检测器有限范围的布局,导致了城市道路上存在大量的信息盲点和“真空”地带,并且在固定检测器分布的地方,也会因检测器故障导致交通信息缺失。 如何全面准确地获取实时的城市道路的全路交通信息这个问题亟待解决。准确的判断道路的交通状态并及时发布对于制定有效的出行策略很重要。本文以GPS浮动车为依托,采集路网的交通参数,并通过分析判断路网中的交通状态,为交通管理者和出行者提供准确的信息。 本论文主要介绍GPS浮动车交通信息采集系统的构成,采集数据预处理以及各种交通状态判断方法所采用的模型,并提出区间速度与瞬时速度融合的路段平均速度估计模型,最后通过实验测试本文提出的方法。本文研究的重点是如何充分利用GPS信息计算路段的平均速度,涉及到路段的平均速度计算模型的建立,最终根据路段的平均速度以及交通状态判别标准得到交通状态。 关键词:GPS浮动车,交通状态,平均速度,模型,算法 ABSTRACT Traffic congestion has become one of the major social problems plagued the worlds major cities, seriously affecting the sustainable development of cities and peoples daily life and work. In the current traffic control system,the acquisition of traffic condition data is taken more and more seriously.Currently,the means to acquire the state of transportation mainly contain microwave radar,induction coils,video camera and so on.These detectors are mainly deployed in key sections and main road intersections.Due to the limited scope of the layout of the detectors,there are plenty of blind spots of information and vacuum zone on the city road.Besides,in the places distributed with fixed detectors,there is also traffic information loss because of the failure of the detector. The problem of how to obtain real-time traffic information of the whole city road accurately and totally demands prompt solution.It is very important for the development of effective travel policy to determine the traffic state Accurately and the timely release.The GPS floating vehicles collect network traffic parameters and traffic state in the road network,through the analysis and judgment,it can provide accurate information for traffic managers and travelers. This paper introduces the composition of the traffic information acquisition system based on GPS floating car, acquisition of data preprocessing and model various traffic state judgment method, and pr


gz2018gz + 关注


