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问题与讨论 什么是软件配置管理,它有何重要性呢? The “First Law” System Engineering What Are These Changes? What is SCM Source Control Management Maintain a repository of source files Trace all changes Control changes Software Configuration Management More than Source Control Manage source repositories Why we need SCM Source Control Sharing: supports concurrent development Versioning: provide version number and dates Change tracking: find details of a change Archival: reproduce any file from any point Documentation, drawing , etc Configuration Management Branch: release version vs. develop version Snapshot of the whole system Prohibit further check-in before release Source Control Vocabulary Update: obtain the latest versions of the code Check-out: obtain the writable version of files Check-in: commit the changes to files Lock/unlock: only one person may modify a file Integrate: combines the changes with others’ Add/delete: add/remove files to repositories Top-of-trunk: most updated Configuration Management New versions of software systems are created as they changes: For different machines/OS; Offering different functionality; Tailored for particular user requirements; Configuration management is concerned with managing evolving software systems: System change is a team activity; CM aims to control the costs and effort involved in making changes to a system. Configuration Management Involves the development and application of procedures and standards to manage an evolving software product. CM may be seen as part of a more general quality management process. When released to CM, software systems are sometimes called baselines as they are a starting point for further development 22.1 The Software Configuration 问题和作业 变更的起因是什么?对每一个理由举几个特例。 在软件项目过程中,大多数变更是合理的吗?请在教材中找到答案。 22.1.3Baselines 变化是软件开发中必然的事情。 客户希望修改需求,开发者希望修改技术方法,管理者希望修改项目方法。 为什么要修改呢? 这些附加的知识是大多数变化发生的推动力,并导致这样一个对于很多软件工程实践者而言难于接受的事实: 大多数变化是合理的! Baselines ADVICE:大多数软件变化是合理的。不要为变化哀叹,而是确信你可以应用合适的机制去处理这些变化。 基线是一个软件配置管理的概念,它帮助我们在不严重阻碍


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