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大学生职业生涯规划 stratification by gender and age 性别和年龄的阶层化 1、social construction of gender 性别的社会构建 Gender roles in the united states 性别角色在美国 : 1. Gender-role socialization性别角色社会化 2. Homophobia同性恐惧症 3.women’s gender roles女人的性别角色’s gender roles男人的性别角色 An experiment in gender norm violation违反性别试验 Norm violation by women Norm violation by men Send men flowers Wear fingernail polish Spit in public Needlepoint in public Use men’s bathroom Throw tupperware party Buy jock strap Cry in public Chew tobacco Have pedicure Talk about cars Apply to baby-sit Open doors for men Shave body hair Cross-cultural perspective 跨文化观点 1.Individual socialization into traditional gender role 2.Promotion and support from other institution 3. 2、explaining stratification by gender 解释性别阶层化 The functionalist view功能论观点 The conflict response 冲突论 The feminist perspective女性主义观点 The interactionist approach互动论观点 3.Women: the oppressed majority 女性:被压迫的多数 Sexism and sex discrimination性别主义与性别歧视 Sexual harassment 性骚扰 The status of women worldwide.世界女性的地位 Women in the workforce of the united states.美国职业妇女。 Labor force participation参与劳动力 Compensation 补偿 Social consequence of women’s employment 妇女就业的社会结果 4.Aging and society 人口老龄化与社会 Why leave work? Women 5 top reason for leaving Men 44% Family time 12% 16% Change in career 29% 23% Earn a degree 25% 17% Work not enjoyable 24% * Not interested field 18% 17% Moved away * 5. Explaining the aging process 解释老龄化的过程 Functionalist approach: disengagement theory.功能论:脱离理论 Interactionist approach: activity theory互动论:活动理论 The conflict approach冲突论的方法 6. Role transition throughout the life course生命历程中的角色转换 The sandwich generation三明治世代 Adjusting to retirement退休适应 Death and dying 死亡与临终 Wealth and income财富与收入 Ageism年龄歧视 Competition in the labor force劳动力竞争 Tasks of dying死前任务 Completing unfinished business Restoring harmony to social relationships and saying farewell to friends and family Dealing with medical needs Making funeral plan and other arrangement


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