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英文小故事 1 生病的狮子 ?????? A lion had come to the end of his days. He lay helpless under a tree.   The animals came around him. When they saw that he was going to die, they thought to themselves, Now is the time to pay him back.   So the boar came up and rushed at him with his tusks.   Then a bull gored him with his horns. The lion still lay helpless before them.   So the ass felt quite safe. He turned his tail to the lion and kicked up his heels into his face.   This is a double death. growled the lion. ?   ●一头年老体衰的狮子病得有气无力,奄奄一息地躺在树下。   ●动物们围在他的周围,看到狮子快要死了,就来报复他。   ●一头野猪冲到他身旁,狠狠地咬他。   ●接着,一头野牛也用角来顶他,狮子无助地躺在那里。   ●当驴子看到可以对这庞大的野兽为所欲为时,也用他的蹄子用力去踢狮子的头部。这头快要断气的狮子说:“我已勉强忍受了勇者的施暴,但还得含羞忍受你这个小丑的侮辱,真是死不瞑目啊。”   寓意: 无论过去多么辉煌,都难以避免辉煌失去后别人的不敬与报复。 兔子的耳朵 ? 兔子的耳朵很长,除了听声音,这对长耳朵还有没有别的用处呢?Jacky is not sure about the answer. So he decides to ask the rabbits themselves. 说兔子,兔子到!大耳朵兔Mr. Ears过来了,我们去打个招呼吧。哈哈,瞧瞧大耳朵先生吧!What long ears he has! They are even much longer than his face. 看看我们自己,有谁的耳朵比脸长呢! Why are his ears so long? The ears are very useful to the rabbit. Mr. Ears usually hears a threat before seeing it. 它的大耳朵竖起来以后可以转来转去,就象两个雷达接收器,任何细小的声音都不会漏掉。 Rabbits get hot easily in summer.The big ears can help them lower their body temperature. 还记得吗? 猎豹奔跑的时候要靠尾巴来保持平衡。Rabbits have very short tails. How can they keep their balance? Haha, its not a problem for them. See, they have long ears. 虽然尾巴短,可是兔子通过摆动耳朵也能保持平衡! But not all rabbits have long ears. Arctic hares have shorter ears. 冰天雪地的,北极雪兔不需要大耳朵来散热。 兔子也是复活节的象征。据《圣经》记载,耶稣死后三天复活了。为了纪念这个日子,人们就开始过复活节。Now Easter is a favourite festival for kids. They get many coloured eggs on this day. 这些就是大名鼎鼎的复活节彩蛋(Easter eggs)。Kids also get some chocolate eggs. 会下蛋的兔子Bunny也是复活节的象征。The bunny rabbit is amazing. It lays coloured eggs at Easter. Then it hides them in secret places. 据说,只有好孩子才能找到这些彩蛋。 热心的公主 下雨了,外面黑黑的,做什么呢? 芭比的故事时间开始了…… 旗下英语路   It is a dark and rainy night. Barbie is reading in her bed. Kelly and Stacie run in. Tell us a story,


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