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如何使用PPT做科研报告 2010年度新生培训;The Craft of Scientific Presentations;一场报告就好比一场电影;为什么要做报告?;对报告人的要求;报告的前期准备——分析;BC CBMP常见的报告分类;BC CBMP对月报的要求;BC CBMP对学术报告的要求;如何自导自演一场成功的报告?;Presentations can be viewed from three stylistic perspectives;;Beginnings prepare the audience for the work to be presented;The middle presents the work in a logical order;;Beginning;The ending summarizes main points and places those results in the context of the big picture;剧本实战小结;Wires not harnessed to prevent contact with housing;Presentations can be viewed from three stylistic perspectives;One type of visual aid that deserves reflection is the presentation slide;Audiences remember more when you use well-designed slides;What information to include?;Choose a format that is easily read ;Color can distinguish a presentation;Color affects how fast the audience can read;红底黑字是致阅读速度最慢的一种组合之一;黑底红字的阅读速度比前者还要慢慢慢慢。。。;深蓝色字和深绿色字在白色或黄色背景上虽然没有黑色字读起来快,但是都足够适用于学术报告了。;Color affects how fast the audience can read;Color affects how fast the audience can read;Color affects the emotions of the audience;黑色背景,白色/黄色字更环保 是未来流行趋势;钱煦报告赏析;钱煦报告赏析;关于模板……;Outline;38;39;Headline;41;42;43;44;45;46;47;48;49;50;51;52;53;55;56;视觉效果实战小结;Name Name Name Department Institution Date;Katrine Aspmo Torunn Berg Norwegian Institute for Air Research Grethe Wibetoe University of Oslo, Dept. of Chemistry June 16, 2004;Topic 1;;If necessary, identify key assumption or background for audience—keep to two lines (18–24 point type);Fragments quickly outpace the blast wave, and become the primary hazard to personnel;;;Physical space;Supporting point, if needed Supporting point, if needed: parallel to first point;Our work shows that atmospheric mercury depletion events lead to increased mercury in surface snow;Advantages Easy to shape Light in weight Resistant to corrosion;Supporting point (no more than two lines) Another supporting point (parallel to the first);Wires not harnessed to prevent contact with housing;In summary, it is easy to prepare a p


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