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Thank you for your attention 无标度网络 复杂网络的结构、动力学和功能 网络结构 动力学 小世界网络 社团网络 权重网络 同步 博弈 交通 抗毁性 调控 功能 复杂网络三元素 正问题: (1)网络结构如何演化 (2) 网络结构如何影响动力学和功能 反问题:从动力学反推网络结构 萤火虫发光,鼓掌 合作涌现,经济行为 物种多样性 互联网,输运网络 中的拥塞 金融危机,大停电 基因调控网,神经网络 控制 复杂网络研究的核心问题:三元素的关系 最终目标 SIS dynamics Full social network structure Compressive sensing Time series of agents (Detectable) (1) payoffs (2) strategies Evolutionary games Evolutionary games Prisoner’s dilemma Casting the prediction problem into the framework of compressive sensing x … Neighbors of x y … N … Full network structure matching Compressive sensing Success rates of predicting model networks PDG for network with 100 nodes Scale-free Small-world Random SG for network with 100 nodes Scale-free Small-world Random Predicting a real social network from experiment Relationship network of 22 students Success rate of prediction 22 students play PDG together and write down their payoffs and strategies Payoff vs number of neighbors Reconstructing traffic networks and local routing strategy ,其中 Measurable data: incoming and out going flux of nodes According to the flux conservation Topology reconstruction Identifying routing parameter Contact process Inferring the source of epidemic spreading (ongoing) Using airlines, trains, and interstate road as the network Using the earliest time of reporting a disease at some locations as observers Inferring the source of the disease from the observers * * 基于大数据重构、预测和控制复杂系统 王文旭 北京师范大学 系统科学学院 /~wenxuw 大数据与复杂系统 重构、预测和控制 Outline 推断传播源头和基于压缩感知理论重构网络以及节点性质 预测人的移动行为和交通拥塞 复杂网络系统的控制 The problem: how to find the source of propagation in a networked system from a small number of observers? Applications: locating the source of disease, rumor, risk spreading in financial networks, etc. 从少数观察者推断传播源头 Who is the source of a message? Social network + some observers Answer: Question : 时间反演虚拟扩散法 Z. Shen, et al. under review Numerical results Z. Shen, et al. under review Empirical tests H1N1 in China


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