correlation between the frequency difference limen and an index based on principal component analysis of the frequency-following response of normal hearing listeners:(频率之间的相关性差别阈限和索引基于主成分分析的频率响应正常听力的听众).pdf
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correlation between the frequency difference limen and an index based on principal component analysis of the frequency-following response of normal hearing listeners:(频率之间的相关性差别阈限和索引基于主成分分析的频率响应正常听力的听众)
Hearing Research 344 (2017) 255e264
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Hearing Research
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Research Paper
Correlation between the frequency difference limen and an index
based on principal component analysis of the frequency-following
response of normal hearing listeners
Xiaochen Zhang a, Qin Gong a, b, *
a Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
b Research Center for Biomedical Engineering, Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Subcortical phase locking tends to reflect performance differences in tasks related to pitch perception
Received 24 April 2016 across different types of populations. Enhancement or attenuation in its strength may correspond to
Received in revised form population excellence or deficiency in pitch perception. However, it is still unclear whether differences in
1 December 2016
perceptual capability among individuals with normal hearing can be predicted by subcortical phase
Accepted 8 December 2016
Available online 10 December 2016 locking. In this study, we examined the brain-behavior relationship between frequency-following re-
sponses (FFRs) evoked by pure/sweeping tones and frequency difference limens (FDLs). FFRs are
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