Synthesis of 1D nanostructure-材料合成化学课件PPT.ppt

Synthesis of 1D nanostructure-材料合成化学课件PPT.ppt

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Synthesis of 1D nanostructure-材料合成化学课件PPT

* * Synthesis of 1D nanostructure Magnetic Electrical Optical Mechanical Thermal Properties Strategies for achieving 1 D structure Dictation of anisotropic crystallographic structure of solid (b) Confinement of a liquid droplet in V-L-S process (c) Direction through the use of a hard template (d) Kinetic control provided by a capping reagent (soft template) (e) Self-assemble of 0 D nanostructure (f) Size reduction of a 1D microstructure Three examples of nanowire synthesis at 2007 1. Pencil like ZnO nano-wire 2. Pt nano-wire 3. Cu2O nano-wire Pencil like ZnO nanowire Nano Lett, 7,3879, 2007 Pt nanowire networks by soft template CTAB Nano Lett., 7, 3650, 2007 A representative CO-stripping voltammogram for the platinum nanowire networks. Nano Lett., 7, 3650, 2007 SEM images of Cu2O nanowires synthesized at 180 oCwith (a) o-anisidine and (b) pyrrole as the reductant. (c) TEM and(d,e) HRTEM images of the Cu2O nanowires from the sample in a. Nano Lett., 7, 3723, 2007 Ids-Vds characteristics of an individual single crystalline Cu2O nanowire Nano Lett., 7, 3723, 2007 Generic methods Vapor phase Vapor-Liquid -Solid Hydrothermal Solution phase by capping reactants



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