Synthesis of ceria nano-particles-材料合成化学课件PPT.ppt

Synthesis of ceria nano-particles-材料合成化学课件PPT.ppt

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Synthesis of ceria nano-particles-材料合成化学课件PPT

Applications of CeO2 * Department of Materials Science and Engineering Simply introduce the structure and applications of CeO2 3. Future works 2. Synthesis of nanocrystalline CeO2 by different methods Brief introduction CeO2属于萤石型氧化物。 CeO2晶胞中的Ce4+按面心立方点阵排列,O2-占据所有的四面体位置,每个Ce4+被8个O2-包围,而每个O2-则与4个Ce4+配位。 1. Structure of CeO2 2.功能特性 CeO2的结构中有1/2立方体空隙,可称之为敞型结构。敞型结构允许离子快速扩散。经高温(T>950℃)还原后,CeO2转化为具有氧空位、非化学计量比的CeO2-X氧化物(0x0.5),而在低温下(T<450℃) CeO2可形成一系列组成各异的化合物。 值得注意的是,即使从晶格上失去相当数量的氧,形成大量氧空位之后,CeO2仍然能保持萤石型晶体结构,这种亚稳氧化物暴露于氧化环境时又易被氧化为CeO2,因而CeO2具有优越的储存和释放氧功能及氧化还原反应能力,同时CeO2也有着良好的化学稳定性和高温快速氧空位扩散能力。 玻璃脱色剂氧化铈 大颗粒氧化铈磨料 氧化铈抛光粉/液晶显示屏 氧化铈抛光粉 氧化铈抛光轮 CeO2 Slurry 此外, CeO2还用作催化材料、高温氧敏材料、 pH传感材料、电化学池中膜反应器材料、燃料电池的中间材料、中温固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)用电极材料 Synthesis of CeO2 1. Direct precipitation precipitation Stir and ageing stage Scouring and drying to calcine precursor The power of CeO2 Ce3+ or Ce4+ technology of direct precipitation precipitant Nitrate: Ce(NO3)3 or (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 Precipitant: ammonia or NH4HCO3 Surface active agent: PEG-4000 Process: nitrate and PEG-4000 were dissolved in distilled wate.Then ammonia or NH4HCO3 solution was added dropwise under vigorous stirring till the pH reached 9. The precipitate was filtered, washed thrice with distilled water and alcohol and dried at 80℃ over night. (a) (b) (c) (d) Results and discussion (a) (b) (c) (d) SEM photoes of precursor XRD of precursor (a): Ce(NO3)3 + NH3·H2O (b): (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 + NH3·H2O (c): Ce(NO3)3 + NH4HCO3 (d): (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 + NH4HCO3 (a) (c) XRD of CeO2 synthesized at 700℃ (a) (b) (c) (d) XRD of CeO2 synthesized at 500℃ (a) (c) XRD of CeO2 synthesized at 600℃ (a) (c) SEM photoes of CeO2 calcined at 600℃ Microwave homogeneous precipitation Microwave reaction equipment Nitrate: Ce(NO3)3 or (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 Precipitant: urea Surface active agent: PEG-4000 CO(NH2)2 + H2O → CO2 + 2NH3 NH3 + H2O → NH4+ + OH- CO2 + H2O → CO32- + 2H+ 水解生成的构晶离子OH-、CO32-,在微波辐照作用下,与Ce3+、Ce4+等结合生成不溶前驱物 Results and discussion XRD o



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