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answers to the homework 一: 中译英 1.下结论 2. 暴露于 3. 把…吸收进去 4. 热衷于(足球) 5.对…谨慎 6. 提出一个理论 7.治好某人的(癌症) 8. 应因某事受责备 9. 感染上… 10.有意义,行得通 11.在某方面严格要求某人 draw a conclusion be exposed to absorb…into… be enthusiastic about (football) be cautious to put forward a theory cure sb of (his cancer) be to blame for sth become/get infected with make sense be strict with sb in sth 12. contribute (sth) to sth 13. reject one’s theory 14. in addition ( to) 15. be linked to sth/sb 16. come to an end 17. take up( a career) 18. be under construction 19. apart from sth 20. lead to sth 21. (from my) point of view =from the point of view of sb 12. 为…贡献… 13. 摈弃某人的原理 14. 除了(…以外,还有…) 15. 和…有联系 16. 结束 17. 开始从事一种事业 18. 在建设当中 19. 除…外 20. 导致 21. (在我)看来,(依我的)观点 Translate the sentences into English/Chinese Hawking puts forward the theory about black holes.   霍金提出了黑洞理论 put forward+表示建议,计划等的名词= come up with put away: 放好.储存(钱) put up with:忍受 put on :穿上,上演    put out:熄灭,扑灭 2.We drew a conclusion that we should give him another chance   我们得出结论应该再给他一次机会  draw/ come to/ arrive at/ reach a conclusion得出结论  conclude : V 结束,推断 conclusion: n结论   conclude sth by/with: 以…而结束 Eg: They concluded that the disease was SARA 3.Keep in doors and don’t exose your skin to the sun 呆在户内,别把你的皮肤暴露于太阳底下 expose sth/sb to使…暴露于…;使面临;使遭受(危险,攻击等) be exposed to:招致,遭受 Those who were exposed to bird flu were separated. 4. The car was out of control and it hit a big tree 这辆车失去了控制,撞上了一棵大树 Mr. Li is in control of the company 李先生管理这间公司 =The company is in the control of Mr. Li out of control: 失去控制 in control of: 管理/控制住… in/under the control of :被 …控制/管理 5Mary was so absorbed in reading the novel that she didn’t realize the teacher had stood beside her. 玛丽是如此的专注于看小说以至于没有意识到老师已站在她旁边  be absorbed in…全神贯注于… be absorbed into被吸收入… ,被合并到… 6. The driver was to blame for the accident. 司机应为这次事故承担责任  (sb) be to blame for …应为…受到谴责/责备/承担责任 7.在业余时间里,除了听音乐,他没别的爱好 _____ ____listening to music, he has no othe



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