Human Anatomy and Physiology[人体解剖学和生理学](PPT-32).ppt

Human Anatomy and Physiology[人体解剖学和生理学](PPT-32).ppt

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Human Anatomy and Physiology[人体解剖学和生理学](PPT-32)

The 11 Bodily Systems Skeletal Muscular Cardiovascular Respiratory Digestive / Gastrointestinal Reproductive Integumentary (skin) Nervous Lymphatic Endocrine Urinary * * * * * Midline, midaxial, midclavicular * * Information from the external environment (sensory input) is transmitted by the peripheral nervous system (nerves and their branches) and from the bodys internal environment by the autonomic (automatic) nervous system to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), where it is interpreted, and a response is generated. * * * * * * The hypothalamus and pituitary glands are located in the brain and control many of the other endocrine glands. The pituitary gland, also known as the “master gland,” secretes chemicals into the bloodstream to regulate growth and many other glands. The hypothalamus secretes hormones that act on the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus also helps control the regulation of water in the kidneys. The thyroid gland, located in the anterior neck, regulates metabolism, growth, and development. It also partially regulates nervous system activity. The adrenal glands are located on the top of the kidneys and secrete several hormones, including epinephrine (adrenalin) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline), which serve to help with the flight-or-fight response and affect heart rate, digestive system function, and smooth muscles including those in the lungs and blood vessels. The pancreas, located in the posterior of the abdomen, serves both an endocrine function through the secretion of hormones that regulate blood glucose and non-endocrine functions. The gonads (ovaries and testes) produce hormones that control reproduction and sex characteristics. The pineal gland is a tiny gland in the brain that helps regulate wake/sleep patterns. * * * * Inferior/superior vena cava, right ventricle, pulmonary artery, lungs (O2) pulmonary veins, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta…body….oxygen used….returns to right atrium via inferior/superior cava


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