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单词 1.alternative n.(二者当中)选一个,供选择的东西 adj.(二者当中)选其一的,供选择的 归纳拓展 (1)have no alternative but to do...除……外别无选择 alternative ways可供选择的两种方法 alternative energy替代性能源 (2)alternatively adv.两者挑一地 (3)alternate v.交替;轮流 alternate...and/with使交替发生或出现;轮流安排 例句:Caught in the act,he had no alternative but to confess. 他被当场抓住,除了招供外别无选择。 I offered the alternative suggestions of spending the holiday in the mountains or by the sea. 我建议这次度假是到山上或是去海边。 We tried to alternate periods of work with sleep. 我们尽量让工作与睡眠交替进行。 【链接训练】 ①When travelling,you are advised to take travellers checks,which provide a secure ________ to carrying your money in cash. A.substitute  B.selection  C.preference  D.alternative 【解析】 句意为:建议旅行时携带旅行支票,这比带现金安全。alternative意为“变通方法,选择余地”,后接to/of sth.。A项意为“代替者,代用品”,后接for;B项意为“挑选”,强调在众多的数目中挑选,后接of;C项意为“偏爱”,后接for。 【答案】 D ②You may as well go outing all by yourself;________I may keep you company. A.differently B.alternatively C.accordingly D.automatically 【解析】 考查副词辨析。句意为:你不妨自己去郊游;要么我可以陪你去。alternatively“二者择一地”。differently“不同地”;accordingly“相应地”;automatically“自动地”。 【答案】 B 2.limit n.(事物的)界限;限度;极限 vt.限定;限制 归纳拓展 (1)set a limit to=put a limit on限制;对……加以限制 to the limit达到极点 within limits适度地,有限地 (2)limit sth.to限定;把……限制在…… limit sb.to (doing) sth.限制某人做某事 (3)limited adj.有限的,受限制的 be limited to局限于 例句:They attempt to set a limit on consumer waste. 他们试图设定消费者的浪费限度。 No fishing is allowed within a twentymile limit. 20英里以内不准垂钓。 I limit myself to three glasses of beer a day. 我限制自己一天喝三杯啤酒。 The teaching of history should not be limited to time and figure.历史教学不能只局限于时间和人物。 【链接训练】 ①—Is there any ________ to the expense of the trip? —Im not clear about it.Youd better ask the manager. A.level  B.limit  C.matter  D.standard 【解析】 句意为:——旅行花费有限制吗?——我不太清楚。你最好问问经理。limit意为“限定,限制”,符合题意。level“水平”;matter“物质,事情”;standard“标准”。 【答案】 B ②There was not much time left,so the speaker was asked to ________ his speech to ten minutes. A.make B.limit C.do D.give 【解析】 考查动词辨析。句意为:剩下的时间不多了,因此演讲者被要求把演讲限制到十分钟。limit“限制”,符合


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