国际结算(chap1amp;2) 2.ppt

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国际支付与结算 International Payments and Settlements 主要参考书: 《国际结算》第五版,苏宗祥等编著,中国金融出版社出版 与上述教材配套的英文版练习册 《国际结算实务精要》第二版,庄乐梅编著,中国纺织出版社 本课程的主要特点 实务性、操作性强 国际性强:与国际惯例紧密联系 英语要求高 法律性强,规则细 英语介入程度 英语专业词汇 部分英语固定的表达句式 完全掌握几大类重要文本:英文版本的国际贸易合同、信用证文本、托收指示、合约保函示范格式、提单等。 课外通读:URC522,UCP600, ISBP,URR725, ISP98,URDG。 熟悉常用银行、港口英文名称。 掌握部分常用英文缩写。 国际惯例的课外阅读 《托收统一规则 》Uniform Rules for Collections ( ICC Publication No. 522) 《跟单信用证统一惯例》(Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits,2007年修订本,国际商会第600号出版物,简称“UCP 600”) 《关于审核跟单信用证项下单据国际标准银行实务》(International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits,国际商会第681号出版物,简称“ISBP”) eUCP(UCP600的配套规则,用于电子交单的12项条款) 《银行间偿付统一规则》(Uniform Rules for Bank-to-bank Reimbursement under Documentary Credits,国际商会第725号出版物,简称“URR 725”) 《国际备用证惯例》(International Standby Practices,国际商会第590号出版物,简称“ISP98”) 《见索即付保函统一规则》 UNIFORM RULES FOR DEMAND GUARANTEES (ICC PUBLICATION NO.758,简称URDG) Chapter 1 Brief Introduction to International Trade 国际贸易简介 1.1 Introduction to International Trade 国际贸易概述 1.2 Trade Terms 贸易术语 1.3 Basic Methods of International Payments and Settlements 国际支付与结算的主要方式 International payments and settlements refer to the money transfer via banks to settle accounts, debts and claims among different countries. They are originated from both international trade transactions such as the sales of tangible goods and intangible service transactions and international non-trade transactions such as international lendings and investments. 1.1.1 Definition of international trade International trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for those produced in another country. 国际贸易是以一国的产品和劳务交换另一国的产品和劳务。通常情况下,国与国之间并不直接用产品和劳务相交换,而是以销售产品所得的收入来购买另一国的产品。 国际贸易主要当事人 1.1.2 The major participants in international trade The buyer; The seller; Banks 1.1.3 Points to be considered The creditworthiness of the parties; Payment methods; Trade terms; The exc


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