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She can choose the clothes that she likes. Can you choose your own clothes? Do your parents let you buy the clothes you really like? 1.Anna can go to the mall with John. T F 2.Anna wants to get her ears pierced. T F 3.Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes. T F ? Today is Thursday.Its rainy,So I across from the street,I am going to find a resturant,because Im hungry,and the weather is terrible.But there is not a restaurant in the neighborhood. what can I do?I think.I will ask a man who knows. The girl behind me tells me where can I go. she says:Go straight on ,and ture left,in front of the supermarket,there is a restaurant. Its between the post office and the cinema. Thank you very much.I say to her happily she is very kind .I find the restaurant at last.?It is a fine day today. * * * * * * * 学 校:胡家窑九年一贯制学校 制作人:丁洁宁 Period 1 Section A 1a-2c Look at the following pictures. ·Do you know her? Who is she? ·Do you think the girl in the picture is beautiful? ·Why? 1.Don’t arrive late for class. You must be on time. 2.Don’t run in the hallways. 3.Don’t eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall. 4.Don’t listen to music in class. 5.Don’t fight. Don’t arrive late for class. = Students are not allowed to arrive late for class 1 .规则动词的过去分词: 1)一般情况在动词原形后加-ed ex:look—looked、play--played 2)以不发音e结尾的加-d ex:live--lived 、hope--hoped 3)以辅音加y结尾的,去y变i加-ed ex:stydy--studied 、carry--carried 4)以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母, 先双写该辅音字母,再加-ed ex:stop--stopped 、plan--planned 2.不规则动词的过去分词: am is are been have has had do write go written gone done 读音规则:清辅音后面读作/t/; 浊辅音和元音后面读/d/; /t/和/d/后面读/id/。 Grammar Focus Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 肯定句: 主语+ 情态动词+be+ 动词过去分词 否定句: 主语+情态动词+not +be+ 动词过去分词 疑问句: 情态动词+ 主语+ be+ 动词过去分词 本节重点短语词汇: ·allow sb to do sth ·allow doing sth ·be (not) allowed to do sth ·should (not) be allowed to do sth ·go out with


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