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Anesthesia methods general local inhalation intravenous mucosa muscle spinal epidural Nerve block Local infiltration topical balance Subspecialty of anesthesiology Cardiac surgery Vascular surgery Thoracic surgery Neurosurgical anesthesia Organ transplantation Pediatric surgery Obstetric anesthesia And others Preoperational evaluation for patient’ status Procedure of clinical anesthesia Pre-ope preparation introduction Special monitoring Maintain PACU Preope. Physical assessment To visit patient in preoperation What is anesthesiologist to visit Checking whole body and assessing functions of main organs To confirm the risk factor ASA classification ASA Physical Status Classification System A normal healthy patient A patient with mild systemic disease A patient with severe systemic disease A patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life A moribund patient who is not expected to survive without the operation A declared brain-dead patient whose organs are being removed for donor purposes visiting with the patient preoperative To receive the patient history data To relieve patient’s worrying status Review of current drug therapy Physical examination, interpretation of laboratory data Find out risk factor Preposed anesthesia method 问诊表 麻醉史(全、椎管内、局),术中异常反应 既往史 过敏、哮喘、呼吸疾病、高血压、心脏病,肝脏、肾脏病,糖尿病,神经、肌肉疾病,出血倾向,癫痫,其他特殊情况 日常活动 药物史 个人嗜好:吸烟(量)、饮酒(量) 家族史 恶性高热、过敏、哮喘、高血压、糖尿病、肝病 Physical exam. General status:发育、营养、精神状态等 血压、脉搏、体温 头部:眼、鼻、口腔、下颌,中枢神经系统情况 颈部:活动度、长短、甲状腺大小等,颈静脉 胸部:望、触、叩、听,心电、血气、1秒率 腹部:望、触、叩、听,肝、肾、脾、胃肠功能 四肢:活动情况、感觉情况,动脉、静脉情况 背部:椎管内麻醉或其他麻醉方法要求的 实验室检查 末梢血 胸部X线 生化指标 血离子 尿常规 血型、凝血、出血时间 心电图 肺功能检查 腹部X线 感染症 全身情况的检查 发育、营养、体重 体重指数(BMI) 体重(kg)÷身高(m)2 基础代谢率(BMR) 0.75×(脉率+0.74 ×脉压)-72 高血压标准(舒张压) 轻度:90~100 mmHg 中度:100~110 mmHg 重度:110 mmHg 头部 眼部:结膜、巩膜、瞳孔、眼球运动、眼睑 鼻腔:鼻孔大小 、通畅程度,有无出血倾向 口腔:张口度、牙齿、舌、咽腔、扁桃体 发音:有无异常 气道检查 颈部 长短、粗细 活动度、后仰 有无异常隆起或异常搏动 血管情况 气管是否居中 淋巴结有无肿大 胸部检查 望:对称、呼吸运动 触:皮下气肿、细震颤 叩:心界、肺区、肝区,胸水 听:心音、呼吸音,摩擦音等 心电图:12导联,连续监测 ?-ray, CT, MRI 腹部检查 望:外形,运


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