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制作:妞妞 * * 制作:妞妞 * * Can you tell me where my home is? “Mum, I am hungry. Where is our next meal ?” Food Shortage ! The beautiful antelopes(?nti.l?up 羚羊)hunted for their wool. Tibetan antelopes * 制作:妞妞 * Killed Whale * 制作:妞妞 * Why are these animals dying out? too much hunting * 制作:妞妞 * Do you know ,I worried to die now !! Stop killing! Stop illegal trades! Let the lovely animals go!? * 制作:妞妞 * * 制作:妞妞 * Animals are our friends No animals, no human beings! Protect the environment. Help animals return to nature. Never buy endangered animals’ products and tell your friends do not do it either! Never kill endangered animals. What should we do to protect the animals? Laws should be passed to prevent people from killing or hunting them. People are educated to be aware of the importance of wildlife protection. * people,animals or plants , all life are living together in an organic ( [?r‘g?n?k]有机体的) ecological unity, is like a nest, our green-homes. our Noahs Ark. 人也好,动物也好,植物也好,所有的生命,都共同生活在一个有机统一体之中,生态就好比是我们的巢,我们的绿色家园,我们的诺亚方舟。 * No egg if the nest destroyed?” If we dont protect ecological,then animals, plants and all life can well, and human beings? No animals,people on the earth will be very lonely too. “覆巢之下,安有完卵?”不保护生态,哪有动物、植物和一切生命,也哪有人?一味地强调人,强调人的利益和发展,只保护和发展一个物种,这个物种能保护得住吗? 没有动物,人在地球上会很寂寞的. * World Animal Day is celebrated each year on 4th October. It started in Florence, Italy in 1931 at a convention of ecologists. On this day, animal life is celebrated in many forms, and special events are planned on locations all over the world. World Animal Day * 制作:妞妞 * Welcome, oh? Thank you! Thanks a lot! Goodbye! 制作:妞妞 制作:妞妞 制作:妞妞 制作:妞妞 制作:妞妞 制作:妞妞 制作:妞妞 制作:妞妞 制作:妞妞 制作:妞妞 制作:妞妞 制作:妞妞 制作:杨慧敏 刘小梅 蒋星润 Animal protection 主讲人:宋艳栋 * 制作:妞妞 * Let us enjoy a group of animals owl mantis?[m?nt?s]? n.螳螂 chameleon[k?milj?n] 变色龙 chameleon [k?milj


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