(精选)英语口语unit 1 Invitations课件.ppt

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Unit One;Contents;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge; ;Warming up;1;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;Situational Dialogues;China Travel Service;China Golden Bridge Travel Service Corp. 中国金桥旅游公司 China Comfort Travel 中国康辉旅行社 China Nation Travel Service 中国民族旅行社 China MR Special Tours 中国山水旅行社 China Rail Express Travel Service 中国华运旅行社 China Goodwill Travel Service 中国友好旅行社 China Cultural Tours Inc. 中国文化旅行社 China Rainbow Travel Service 中国虹桥旅行社 China Swan International Tours Inc. 中国天鹅国际旅游公司 China Merchants International Tours Corp.中国招商国际公司 ;Reading Comprehension;Reading Comprehension;Reading Comprehension; ;Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展;Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展;Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展;Invitation 请柬 ; ;Situation 1;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;Exercises;Task 3 A: We’ll have a party at my new house evening. Would you come? B: _____________________________ I’ve arranged to go out. I’ll have dinner out with my husband and then we’ll go to the airport to see a friend off. A: _____________________________ B: Then next time. A: Yes, I’ll let you know when we have gathering next time. B: _____________________________;Exercises;4. Translate the following sentences into English with words or phrases given in the brackets. 1. 这项法案的通过赋予军队特别的权力。(extraordinary) The Act was passed giving the army an extraordinary power. 2. 你能不能给我保证,这批货物将在星期五之前交付?(guarantee) Can you give me your guarantee that the goods will be delivered before Friday? 3. 我们在穿越英国湖泊区(the Lake District)的旅途中,看到了不少美丽的景色。(scenery) We passed through some beautiful scenery on our journey through the Lake District. 4. 你认为我们会失败,可与你的想法相反,我深信我们会成功。(in contrast with/to) In contrast with/to your belief that we will fail,


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