(精选)大学核心商务英语写作教程Unit2 Office Writing课件.ppt

(精选)大学核心商务英语写作教程Unit2 Office Writing课件.ppt

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What’s the purpose of writing a notice? The purpose of writing notices is to tell people something. It may be what is going to happen, or sometimes, what has already happened. In this task, the purpose is to inform the public a premise change. II. How to Write Notices? Use the rough work space to plan out your notice. Remember it has to be written within the stipulated word limit. 1. First make a note of all the important details. 2. Then write out the notice. Through trial and error bring it to the word limit (no more than 50 words). 3. Improve upon it till you are satisfied. 4. Make sure your notice has. An attractive, suitable heading The signature and designation The date of issue Other relevant details--- time, date, venue, who can participate, what it is about, etc. 5. Finally write out the fair draft. Tips The language and tone of notices The use of English in notices should be concise, business-like, and polite. Here are some tips: 1. Write in simple English throughout the notice. 2. Make the heading or opening eye-catching and stimulating. 3. Use full sentences for the text of the notice. 4. Avoid long, rambling paragraphs and keep the notice as brief as possible. A notice on the school bulletin board IV. Notices Examples The time is necessary A captivating heading is needed to draw attention. More details Signature. To show where the notice comes from. An informal notice No “NOTICE” as the title. Yet, the main words are in bold. Information brief and extremely clear. LOGO Unit Two Office Writing 大学核心商务英语写作教程 Office writing is a part of a business assistant’s work. The major role of a business assistant is to help the manager to deal with various office works, so his or her job duties are multifaceted. A business assistant is not only someone who receives calls, sends faxes, makes copies and files the documents, but someone who should be good at scheduling, organizing and drafting. The basic wr


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