毕业论文:浙江家族企业管理现状存在问题及对策 _0.doc

毕业论文:浙江家族企业管理现状存在问题及对策 _0.doc

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毕业论文:浙江家族企业管理现状存在问题及对策 _0.doc

毕业论文:浙江家族企业管理现状存在问题及对策 摘 要:家族企业是世界上最具普遍意义的企业组织形态,但在生命周期上却有着富不过三代的延续规律,我国家族企业的寿命则更短。本文阐述了家族企业的传承现状,由于缺乏完善的继任管理机制和程序,家族企业的传承问题显得尤为棘手。传承问题涉及家族企业各个方面的内容,影响企业的正常发展乃至生死存亡,不得不让我们深思其解决之道。故以浙江家族企业为例,从实践和理论的角度对家族企业的传承之路进行了深入探讨,分析了现今社会上最普遍的两种传承模式,子承父业式和引进职业经理人制,并分析了它们各自的成因及不足点。通过对传承过程中可能出现的风险,借鉴国外家族企业成功传承的经验,从家族企业继任模式、接班人选拔制度、企业文化构建等方面入手综合地提出了几个建议,望能使家族企业的继任管理逐步向制度化创新化发展,实现企业的正常健康发展。   关键词:家族企业;代际传承;职业经理人;企业文化   abstract   familyenterprisesarethemostuniversalenterpriseorganization,butthereisthelawwealthcan”tbepassedabovethreegenerationsintheirlifeperiods,andchines-efamilyenterprises”livesareshorter.the paper gives out the detailed description about family enterprises” succession situation, because of lacking of the healthy succession management mechanism and procedure, the problem of the family enterprise” succession is even tougher. the inheritance question involves each aspect of the enterprise, affects the normal development and even the life and death of the enterprise, so we must think deeply the road of its solution. therefore we has carried on the thorough discussion to the zhejiang family firm\s road of inheritance from the practice and the theory angle, and has analyzed the most universal two kinds of inheritance pattern in the nowadays society, including follows father\s step and the introduction professional manager, and has analyzed their respective origin and the insufficient spot. we proposed several suggestions through the risk which possibly appears in the process of inheriting , modeling success inheritance experience of overseas family firm , the pattern of succession, the system of successor selects and the enterprise culture constructs and so on . we hope the management of the succession of the family enterprise can change to the institution and innovation system gradually ,and realizing enterprise\s normal health development.   key words:familyenterprise; intergenerational transition; professional manager; enterprise culture   前 言   家族企业可以说是一个古老而短暂的企业组织形


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